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About the first film (2007): "Sometimes, I'll go to a friend's house and their little brothers and sisters will be playing the first film on DVD and it's very strange. It's like your baby pictures but a whole film of it. I look so different."

New Videos from E! News

We have a couple new videos from E News and E News Now, talking about romance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. There are some behind the scenes clips, and a few comments from Emma and Dan.

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13 Responses to “New Videos from E! News”

  1. Fal says:

    Ahhh I can't wait for this movie. 🙂

  2. zxz says:

    w0w seems like fun- 😉

  3. finALLi says:

    =)=) Emma equals beauty 😉 I can't wait, Im so excited about the romance thing going on I just hope they found the right "mix" of love and the rest of the plot…

  4. U says:

    My very impatient. 😆

  5. Rachel says:

    @finALLi I agree, I hope there's a good balance of both. I can't wait to see it!

  6. andrew says:

    This is awesome. Thanks for the links dookdookdook.

  7. rachel says:

    it's about time. the movie comes out in less than two weeks

  8. Jaclyn says:

    UGH the first vid wont play! When i click it doesnt do anything….grrr maybe it's my internet but I refreshed the page 😥

  9. puckle8 says:

    did any of you guys noticed how tall bonnie is compared to dan in the first video around 00:19, i wonder how tall she is, she's almost the same height as rupert from that scene 😕

  10. KS987 says:

    I agree that Emma=beauty Here is a new interview in which she talks about JK Rowling. el-quite-intimidated-by-her.html

  11. lily says:

    wow, can't wait for the movie, will read the book next week and then go see the movie, to compare it =D

  12. Rupertfan13 says:

    I think we have already seen most of the scenes in the movie, I guess there will be a very few scenes that we haven't already seen, anyway, I can't wait for July 15th 😆

  13. sharvari says:

    lol .. That's so true 'Rupertfan13'.But still cant wait for the movie !!