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About the HP books being full of stereotypes (2007): "Harry Potter has helped change loads of stereotypes. Where else, in fiction, can you find a character as clever as Hermione, who is an absolute feminist and won't accept to be second to none? Gosh! It's true that they're children books, but they cover most important subjects like life, death, politics, the importance of friendship and the choices that need to be made. Harry Potter really makes children think, it's not just like any other production for teenagers."

This and That

We have several small updates, so I thought I would put them all together.

Gallery Update: For Emma’s Burberry campaign, I’ve added the new promotional images from Burberry’s site, some more behind-the-scenes images (thanks Dao Tu Thao), and some higher res versions from the photoshoot. I’ve also added quite a few pics from the 2007 Bravo shoot. I don’t think there are any unseen ones, but we didn’t have them before. Thanks to Rebecca for sending them in.

A new promo photo with Emma from Half-Blood Prince appeared. Credit: Occlumencia. I’ve also added several other recent HQ promos to the gallery (thanks Ana for the reminder).

In an article in the LA Times Emma talks about her relationship with JK Rowling

 “We talk, we e-mail each other now,” she said, nodding toward her laptop and that morning’s missive from the woman who is arguably the world’s most famous living young-adult author. “I must admit I still feel quite intimidated by her,” Watson said. “Not because she is actually intimidating, but because I admire her so much, and we have all been such mad fans of the books and her and everything.” “I just really want her to like me,” Watson said, sounding a bit like the insecure overachiever Hermione. “I’m always really keen to tell her how I feel, and maybe it’s a bit much. She is so down to earth and funny and witty……. I definitely see Hermione in her. She’s genuine and brilliant.”

and how she’ll remember this part of her life:

 “I will look back on this part of my life and I know it will be special, but it used to be that if I ever had a bad review or someone said, ‘Oh, she is too this,’ or ‘She’s too that,’ I got upset about it,” Watson said. “Now what I have worked out is that it would actually be physically impossible to be perfect for everyone. Everyone has a distinct idea in their head of what each character is like. So I’ve kind of had to lower my standards. I can’t be perfect for everyone. J.K. thinks I’m perfect, and that’s good enough for me.”

Film Review Online has an interview with Emma. She talks about Hermione and her most memorable moment of Half-Blood Prince.

Emma is on OMG! Yahoo’s list of teen hotties.  Thanks Bianca.

Cosmogirl featured Emma as a Celeb Backstory, with a series of pictures of Emma over the years . Thanks Tanvi.

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7 Responses to “This and That”

  1. 130671 says:

    #1 Thanks for keeping the gallery so well-stocked. 😛

  2. KS987 says:

    It's nice to see that Emma still admires JK Rowling so much even after all of these years. Sounds like they have gotten much closer over the past few years. 🙂 What Emma says in that last paragraph is what I have been saying for years. People have constantly complained about Emma's portrayal of Hermione, yet JK Rowling thinks she does a great job, which is what matters since she created the character, so she knows how she wants her to be portrayed. It's nice to see that Emma has put all of those complaints behind her, because in the end, they don't really matter. Thanks for the new pictures. Emma is simply stunning. Lots of news in this update. 🙂

  3. Dalma says:

    thanks for the updates… Luna's dress in adorable, love love love it 😛

  4. EmRocksSocks says:

    I loved that LA Times article. I'm glad two of my favorite ladies are so fond of each other. 😛 I've been saying the same thing, KS987. If Rowling is content, who is anyone else to say that Emma's not enough like Hermione?

  5. jennie says:

    i don't think anyone really has the right to say whether emma is right for hermione, same goes for rupert as ron and dan as harry. Because jo thought from the start that they were perfect fot the trio and she still does now. So, if jo thinks they're perfect, then they definetly are since she did create the characters herself. 🙂

  6. Fonty says:

    I think I have to take some time off from the rest of my life to keep up with all the Dan, Emma and HP news. 🙂 The LA Times article was probably conducted in January 2008, shortly after EW got her driver´s licence. Whether she really will go to Brown remains to be confirmed. Going to the US was rather clear to me after she visited all the US Unis and talking about the broader subjects she could study. And she wants to study to learn something, not neccessarily get a job with her degree(s). 🙂

  7. Valentina says:

    I'm glad that Emma has good relationship with Rowling!they're both great and smart! 😉