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About Daniel and Rupert (2007): "You can't really explain to someone what this experience is like. I'm glad that we have each other. I would have been so lonely if it was just about one kid. When I was younger, they used to tease me. And now they're quite protective."

Grazia, Total DVD and more

Lots of scans for you today. 🙂

Grazia in Australia has a cover feature on Emma Watson, talking about her style and the Burberry show at LFW. There was also a Burberry ad in the issue. Thanks to Ronette for the scans.

  Also from Ronette, the Australian Shop! Till You Drop featured Emma.

This is from a while ago, but the Russian Total DVD from June had an article on Harry Potter. Thanks to Elmira for sending in the scans.

  The September issue of Harper’s Bazaar in Russia has a feature with Emma. Thanks again to Elmira.

    The Bravo from Croatia includes 2 posters of Emma. Thanks Martina.

    There was an article about Emma’s style in Closer. Thanks f.E.W. for the scans.

And finally, Grazia had an article with a nice quote about Emma and her work on the clothing line from People Tree.

“Emma attended every single design meeting over the five-month process,” Antony Waller at People Tree tells Grazia. “She doesn’t want to be known as a designer but wanted to give her input and ideas wherever she could.”

“Emma has a big interest in fashion but she’s also passionate about the environment and humanitarian causes,” says Antony Waller at People Tree. “She approached us directly about creating a line to combine these two ideas. Obviously she is the target buyer age herself so she can relate to them and knows what they want to wear.”

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22 Responses to “Grazia, Total DVD and more”

  1. Petra says:

    VALENTINA, iz kojeg je to brava??? ma daj.. pa kak ja to nemam…

  2. Belle says:

    I love emma, but I'm not sure she is REALLY concerned about the environment… she wears leather, fur AND eat meat, so…

  3. tree says:

    hmmmm.. 😉

  4. AMANDA says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 EMMA IN THE WORLD 😉 😉 🙂

  5. tree says:

    The magazine was a bit hard to interpret, even the ones with English. That is mainly why I posted hmmmm.. :wink:.

  6. 130671 says:

    😕 Wearing leather and fur (?when did she wear fur?) and eating meat are not exactly issues related to the environment, are they? (Well…Emma in leathers MIGHT contribute to global warming :razz:)

  7. tree says:

    cona as doou e gostai armos laudi divideur! 🙂

  8. tree says:

    Oh My God! Voting is closed! Now all we have to do is wait. :lol:ahhhhhhhhhhh

  9. Ming says:

    "Emma has a classic beauty,a modern edge." Super agree!!!! 🙂 🙂

  10. KS987 says:

    Emma's a classic beauty indeed. It's great to hear that she attended every meeting and shows she truly cares about this project. It seems she is a huge hit in the fashion world as well. 🙂

  11. Kitten says:

    I love those scans ♥♥♥

  12. --------- says:

    Emma looks awsome! !!

  13. Rupertfan13 says:

    xfree, shut it, and thanks for the scans

  14. xfree says:

    she has big head

  15. 130671 says:

    🙂 She has lots of brains, so that`s ok.

  16. tree says:

    well 130671, you still shouldn't say she imply that Emma has a big head. xfree, please don't post a comment like that. The way you posted it was funny, I'll admit 😉 but 🙁

  17. ME says:

    Love it!! Emma is awesome!! 😆

  18. tree says:

    These scans were :razz:… interesting. hehe

  19. HURRY!!! says:

    Voting is screwed up at portrait mag poll. You can vote again. Bonnie fans are voting away!

  20. Holzwurmmarco says:

    Emma is wonderful. I´m a big fan and Emma is real great for me. she´s an angel. 🙂 🙂 😉 😉