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About British style (2010): "I think it has to do with the weather. We have terrible weather. It's very gray and drizzly so we need things to cheer us up. And I think that leads to a lot of creativity and color, and I think that's why our designers are so innovative. Because at home we're kind of up against the elements, in a sense. And we need cheering up. I think we do very well with kind of an eclectic mix. We have great vintage and we love to mix and match: high street and high fashion, vintage…and I think that really defines it as well."

More Outtakes from Entertainment Weekly Photoshoot

We have even more outtakes from the photoshoot for the July 2009 Entertainment Weekly. These are also only MQ, but they are all individual shots of Emma. Here are a few as a teaser, and I will have several more up in the gallery later today. Thanks again to our partner

Update: Added a few more pics here and added them all to the gallery.

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20 Responses to “More Outtakes from Entertainment Weekly Photoshoot”

  1. emlover says:

    she is so pretty with -without long hair we love her for who she is

  2. Thessalie says:

    Dook, isn’t it possible that by clicking on an image it opens a new tab instead of having the image replacing the site ?

    • dook says:

      Yes, well, at least a new window. I think browser settings will determine if it is a new window or a new tab. You can also do it for any image with your browser, for example in Firefox I have the middle button set to open in a new tab. Anyway, yes, it’s possible, and I often set that, but I forget sometimes.

      • Thessalie says:

        Yes i see, i also have this button (i’m on firefox), but i’d say it’s better when it’s fixed :p

        I saw you made the change, thank you !

  3. Emily96 says:

    its so weird seeing her with long hair. I’m so used to her new haircut! lol

  4. Amardeep says:


  5. Alex says:

    She looks wonderful, even though these are old pictures! Is there a reason why you’re posting all these old pictures dook?

    • KS987 says:

      They are new photos from an old photoshoot that were just released recently.

      Emma looks beautiful, but then again she always does. 🙂

    • dook says:

      Alex, they are old pictures that haven’t been seen before. People like seeing new pictures even if they are old.

  6. Kaytie says:

    I miss her long hair =(

  7. tree says:

    She’s gorgeous!

  8. Silly says:

    I like all of the photo’s. About her hair, it’s her head! Why make such a fuss? If Emma is happy with herself then that is awesome.

  9. EmRocksSocks says:

    Wow. I don’t check the site for a couple of days and we get all this?!?

    Freaking sweet!

  10. munich says:

    Nice pics… maybe once she´ll have her long hair back 😉

  11. Kell says:

    Did she have braces in these pics? Is that why she’s hiding her teeth?

    • dook says:

      The Entertainment Weekly pics? If you look in the gallery, Emma is smiling with her teeth showing, in some of the pics. These were taken in 2009. Emma had braces in summer of 2005.

  12. Fernando says:

    Never seen these pictures b4,nice!!!