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About returning as Hermione for the two last HP movies (2007): "I could never let Hermione go -- she is my hero! I love her too much and love what playing her has meant to me. I am excited and honoured to be finishing what I started and playing her in all seven of the films."

Videos from Emma’s Lancome Shoot

I’ve collected a few videos from Emma Watson’s shoot for Lancรดme last month and since news is a little slow I thought it was a good time to post them.

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You need the Flash to see this video.

And as a reminder to vote for Emma and Harry Potter in the National Movie Awards, here is a promo for this years awards ceremony, which includes several clips with Emma from the past two years. Thanks to for the tip.

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21 Responses to “Videos from Emma’s Lancome Shoot”

  1. Luis says:

    I didnยดt know about the almost-the-same website … (O_o)
    Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. berlin says:

    I like the clips… “there will be a big hole in my heart..thats sad” :-/

  3. lona says:

    ooohh/those are amazing…thanks for them..

  4. Dr.Pepper says:

    Such lovely videos. ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for posting them. I definitely enjoyed watching them. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. KRISTEN says:

    PLEASE CAN SOME ONE FROM E-W-.NET UPDATE THE site with 2011 videos! please and thank you.

  6. Valentina says:

    She’s so cute, and those outfits are fantastic!

  7. Essie says:

    Is it true that Emma is transferring to NYU’s Gallatin school??

  8. Julie says:


  9. Santia says:

    I don’t know if she is, but it would make sense, because that program would give her a lot of time/schedule freedom. A lot of celebrities have done the Gallatin Individual Study. I think it might just be a rumour though.

  10. KS987 says:

    Emma looks beautiful as ever. I’d kill to switch places with that guy. I saw some other videos of the shoot, but they were candid ones so I’m not sure if they would be appropriate.

    I though it was for a second there and was wondering why you were crediting yourselves. ๐Ÿ˜›

    As far as I know Emma has not transfered. I saw the article that I think you’re referring to but I think it was a joke one since they referenced sex offenders moving there or something like that. Just nonsense as always.

  11. Likemma!449 says:

    Lollzz I’ve read both of those articles. KS987, there was a joke one, but there was a more legit sounding one put out by NYU’s local newspaper. Too bad I don’t live in NY, though so it really doesn’t effect me. :(((

  12. Santia says:


  13. tabitoo says:

    Can’t wait to see the actual commercial for this. Also there is a new vid of Logan Lerman discussing Perks of Being a Wallflower and talking with Emma about filming. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Annie says:

    I just saw a video of Emma on the AP and OMG has she gotten fat! She has ruined her good looks. Why aren’t her people tdll.her to quit stuffing her face.

    • Celia says:

      If Emma Watson is fat, then you’re not a jealous idiot.
      Emma looks gorgeous in that video. Thanks for posting!!

    • Joyce says:

      you must need glasses, or you’re just way too skinny yourself. she looks beautiful.

    • Arou says:

      She was skinny, now she’s normal. It’s the haircut growing out that make her face look odd. But as much as I’m loosing interest in her these months, I like her as a normal girl, not as a star.

    • dook says:

      The aspect ratio of the video looks wrong. Everything looks too wide. Her head isn’t round like that.

      • R says:

        It looks like she gained weight but Dook might be right. She looked thinner in the zits photos. Those were two weeks ago. I think it’s the angle and shadowing. There is no definition to the side of her face. You can’t tell her neck from her chin.

  15. elina says:

    i love u