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About meeting Halle Berry (2002): "I met Halle Berry, and I completely couldn't believe it. She came up to me and went 'Oh my God, you're Emma Watson!' and I was going 'Oh my God, you're Halle Berry!'"

Emma on Deathly Hallows, DVDs and Friends

In a new video interview with AP, Emma Watson talks about her collection of Harry Potter DVDs, and how she will never forget filming the scene where Bellatrix tortures Hermione. She also talks about her bond with Dan and Rupert, missing the regular interaction with them, but says that they will always be friends.

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73 Responses to “Emma on Deathly Hallows, DVDs and Friends”

  1. Mia says:

    She looks a bit fatter, doesn’t she? I don’t want to be rude it’s just something I realized…well, maybe not πŸ™‚
    However: Still beautiful and nice interview. I’m sure she misses Dan and Rupert a lot. Love her shirt πŸ˜€

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve thought so too. Maybe it’s the next step after cutting her hair to make some differense. If that’s so, new absolutly not necessary the better.. Hope, I’m wrong and it’s just a trick of the light or something. And if she’ll gain weight, she’ll easly loose it… Damn, don’t wanna see her fat… Damn it!!!

    • Celia says:

      I don’t think “fat” is the right word. She’s gained weight, but she still looks fantastic. I love that Emma isn’t a twig like other stars her age.

    • how knows says:

      I agree, she has looked like she has gained weight over the past several months.

      • Mia says:

        oh yes, that’s what I meant. I think Celia is right. I just didn’t know the right word, cause I’m not a native speaker πŸ˜‰
        -glad you got it right πŸ™‚

  2. ok says:

    She bald:D

  3. Sarah says:

    Aww! She was getting all choked up when she started talking about how much she’s missing Daniel and Rupert!! T^T

  4. Simona says:

    LOL Mia, thatΒ΄s what I was thinking as well… frist i thought its only the video, but now… well, as you said still beautiful tough…. πŸ™‚

  5. Saber says:

    She have fat cheeks in this video (might be lighting problems). It seems strange. Is the new role bigger or this is only age-related changes? πŸ˜‰
    Looking for recent fotoshoot.

  6. louis says:

    haha foreal! she got fatter πŸ™ noooooooooooooooooo…

  7. Anonymous says:

    Who’ve read “the Perks of being Wallflower”? Whether the girl which she’s gonna play fat or not?

    • Samfan says:

      Sam isn’t fat in Perks of Being a Wallflower. I hope the video is disrorted or she will have to seriously diet. I worry about her health.

      • Sabrina says:

        She has a bit chubby cheeks and you worry about her health? Seriously, she does not look fat for one bit. She’s still skinny and beautiful, in a total normal size instead of a modelly-minisize which is unhealthy.
        Could people not obsess about her appearance?

  8. Liubov says:

    Don’t forget that she’s British. She’s alredy cut her hair and now that she’s gained weight she’ll look exactly like all the British women do. UK girls you have every right to kill me for these words=)

    • Arou says:

      Honestly, I always though British girls were wayyyyy more skinny than american ones. I live in Canada and I’ve been to USA many times, and the clothes are much greater than ones in Canada, as if the standard was greater there. I wear child clothes in usa, and I’m not even that skinny!

      • Celia says:

        You’ve got it backwards. American girls are the skinny ones.
        All the European actresses tend to have meat on their bones: Emma, Carey Mulligan, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett, etc.
        I can name only a few American actresses who aren’t twigs, and I can’t even think of ONE that’s in Emma’s age group.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actresses is have to be chosen. There is practicaly no chance for a fat girl to be an actress in America. That is not a rate. And I never heard about British, but definatly there is the myth what most (or at least a lot of) people in America overweight. And I never seen fater people than in a show about America. They had almost three or even four times (if not even more) bigger waist then the usual. It is just… Unbelivable.. How does they living? There must be so much troubles for them…

  9. John says:

    She probably has gained a little weight. I don’t know how young some of you are, but your face fills out bit as you get older. She was never going to stay a 17 year old girl forever. She is almost 21 now. She is going to get a little more curvey as she gets older. It’s perfectly natural.

  10. Samfan says:

    Do you think they can fire her from Perks of Being a Wallflower because of this?

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve thought about it either. But she is not as much overweight for this. At least I hope so.. If she is she won’t be able to loose weight before the start of the filming. There is only one month (or even less..) until this. But they can wait.. Damn, I hope they won’t fire her.. That would be a shame.. Damn.. Nooooooo ))

  11. Samfan says:

    How old is this video? The last candids in the forum were in Paris around 2 weeks ago. She was thinner in those pictures. I guess they can postpone filming if this video is accurate and more recent.

  12. meandme says:

    *lol* we’ve all seen pictures of her in London (I don’t think it was Paris, since others stated the source as London) and she was far from being fat in any way in these pictures. So I don’t see how she could gain a ton of weight in just…2 weeks or something. I mean sure, she gained weight since the end of HP but if Lancome still hired the oh-so-fat Emma as a model, I have serious doubts anyone will fire her from Perks bc she has gotten so fat. (this is the most hysterical reaction I’ve seen from fans just bc their star has gone from skinny to a healthy weight…and yes, she was skinny!)

  13. Arou says:

    Emma has gained weight because her life isn’t controled by the Harry Potter schedule anymore.

    I will explain my hypothesis about it and I hope people will understand my weight:

    Most of you will probably agree that a lot of normal girl who don’t spend times on film sets have a weight like Emma have at this moment (I look like that personally, and my sister too, and we a global corporal mass of 20, which is set to be ” perfectly healthy”).

    When you’re filming, you get up as early as 4 or 5 AM to be at the studio at 5h30, then you have a breakfast, then you’re filming, then you have a lunchtime and after you only have diner, but normally you don’t have a lot of time to take food between takes. I do believe that the long days, short sleeping time and the little time Emma had to eat when she was working on the Potter sets was the reason why she was so thin. Other actresses might be thin because of the same reasons. Emma also said she was always tired on Harry Potter sets, which isn’t good for a weight.

    Know that Emma isn’t working anymore she can eat when he want to, she gained weight, as any normal girl who eats normally do. And I’m sure her corporal mass isn’t greater than 22, which is also “perfectly healthy”.

    For the people who read all my comment, may I remind that an healthy weight is the first step of an healthy life. It provides low risk of getting diseases and more energy to do whatever you wanna do.

    • Arou says:

      Oop. In the second line the word weight is supposed to be “point” sorry, I was thinking about my hypothesis and missed the word!

      • spencer says:

        thank you for putting this down…i think she still looks beutiful even if she has put on a little weight. i personally have delt with weight issues and have been trying to get to a healthier weight forever and i know that neither end of the weight spectrume is good to be on.

        But that’s a whole new thing and this is about Emma, and i don’t care what anyone else says she has been, is, and will always be beautiful, inside and out.

  14. manisha says:

    Even though she did put on some weight, she’s still pretty and healthy. I guess she’s just adjusting to life without Potter and trying to find herself. I’m also thinking it could be the hair that’s making her look like this…cuz it’s growing longer and it looks volumized here…I really don’t know haha! All I care about is that she’s happy.

    • spencer says:

      i thought it could be the hair too…cause it’s kinda at that odd medium length, but agreed she looks as perfect as ever

  15. miss moine says:

    Looks like she gain the freshmen 15

  16. jen says:

    Good grief, it was a bit heart-breaking reading through those comments, Emma is not fat in the slightest!

    It also seems like some of those nastier comments were from the same person..

  17. 130671 says:

    Emma, plz watch that weight…

  18. KS987 says:

    That was a nice interview. Emma’s absolutely beautiful. She seemed to be choking up when talking about not seeing Dan and Rupert on set anymore after so many years. πŸ™ I’m sure that she will work with both of them again someday, whether it be in the same film or seperate films.

  19. Jane says:

    Love this interview! I guess the publicity for the final HP is starting now, so there will be more Emma news soon enough! πŸ™‚
    On the topic of her weight gain, she likely has, but she’s lovely either way and actually looks a lot happier at this weight than before (I don’t know if it was stress or dieting?) because it seems she’s at her natural body weight now.
    I doubt it will have any effect on her role in Perks anyhow. She’s adorable

  20. Birgit says:

    Oh my god, what kind of a bunch of hypocrites ARE you?
    Emma’s not fat! She looks Beautiful!
    ‘I’m worried about her..’ ‘Emma, please watch your weight..’
    If you want a girl with size zero you should look for a new rolemodel because Emma isn’t like that, Emma is HEALTHY.
    She looks beautiful just the way she is and if you want her to loose weight you’re so NOT a true fan!
    And about if girls are skinnier in the states or in the UK, what the hell does it matters? I personally don’t think there’s much difference. ‘Oh, you are from the states, so you must me fat!’
    Well, I’m dutch and I’m not whatever dutch people are supposed to be necessarily too, am I?
    It’s ridiculous and you guys make me so angry by talking like this about Em!
    Can you inmagine she would ever read this?
    Emma deserves her always supporting fans and if you talk about her like that you let her down immensely. But I won’t, because at least I am a realy fan and I think she’s brilliant just the way she is.

    • Anonymous says:

      Erm… plus one… Why the hell people posting my thoughts before I typing it? I just wanted to make a conculsuon what anyway even if she’ll chose to be fat I’ll still like her.. And she’s looks still pretty and I like how she’s looking now.. But sorry for my dirty thought, but what if it’ll be a tender? What if she’ll be continuing to gain waight? Call me most untruely fan, but I just never ever thought what the words “fat” and “Emma” will have a connection… And that does not mean what I don’t like (or even love) her personality.. Being fat it is not good… In all espects it is not good… NOT!!! Whoever says what it is… He’s lying, coz you gotta take care of it… Espesially if you are a girl.. You gotta make some efforts to do it… And if stars will be getting fatter and say what it is good… I’ll kill myself… Either way if I’ll get to know what my words makes her sad.. Not litterally, but I would be willing to do it.. And if my posts disgasts somebody, just read it (or even not) and take over it… Don’t mind… I hope she is not that type which would be minding such comments.. If she is belive in something she’s gotta do it… The point is what she is a human and may belive in something wrong like all of us… Kill me if I’m wrong.. Anyway I gotta be her fan anyway… Don’t know about you guys, but I think what she’s still have something inside (only thing I’m afraid is what she is can be changed inside as easely as she changing her look)… At the end I disided to be her fan not coz of her looking… But anyway I DON”T WANNA SEE HER FAT!!!! Noooooo!!!
      P.S. And the next new will be photoshoot with her skinny look and we all’ll get to know what it have been just trick of the light…
      P.P.S. Some nations have a tender to gain waight. It reflects in statistics. And does not mean what all people there are fat.. Damn, I always thought what it is bad what she went to America… Call me whatever you want, but I think it has something to do with her radical changes!
      DISCLAMER: It is only my “histerical” opinion.. I may be wrong at all points, like anyone else.. And hopefully I am..

  21. berlin says:

    I never expected, that this video would trigger such a big discussion. When she cut her hair, the discussion was even more intense, but this new discussion is remarkable, too!

  22. berlin says:

    …by the way: I dont think Em is fat. But maybe sheΒ΄ll be questioned about that in some upcoming interviews πŸ™‚

  23. lala says:

    You’re just a bunch of stupid anorexics.

    • Birgit says:

      You’re os right! Em’s not fat! nothing like that! She’s justh ealthy, go find a too thin, zise zero, stupid actress and become a fan of her, but don’t pretned Emma’s fat while she’s absolutely beautiful!

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe, maybe… Me personally have been very thin all my life… And in the last and a half of an year I’ve gained a lot of weight. And now I’m 115 kg.. But the point is she is she and me is me… I am the man, that is not bad for us… Especially when it’s mostly meat… And she’s a girl, damn, and gotta be thin!!! And another point is what I’m 2 and 5 (or something) cm tall..
      Anyway, some persons gets even prettier when they are fat… Hope she’ll be one of those… But mostly I hope what I’m wrong and she’s only looks fatter here )

      • Anonymous says:

        What did I wrote “2 and 5 cm tall” loooooooooooooooooooooooool
        I am Thumbelina ))) I mean one inch…. LOL!!!

      • Samfan says:

        I don’t understand how she went to this much weight in two weeks. It’s not physically possible. She looked like this on Mar 23.

        She didn’t go from that to looking like she is in her third trimester of pregnancy in this video. If she did manage to gain this much weight then she is not deserving of the role of Sam. There are actresses who are willing to watch what the eat and do the character justice. Emma does not wear this weight well. She must be surrounded by “yes” people. She did an interview with BBC Breakfast on the 4th of this month. That’ll be the moment of truth. I will believe there is something wrong with the video till then. I hope there is nothing physically wrong. I don’t want her to be skinny, just eat healthier. I guess I’m still in shock.

  24. Mia says:

    Oh, I never ever meant she looks fat…she IS BEAUTIFUL! I don’t like the discussion about fat, normal, skinny – I’m sure Emma will always look lovely. But when I watches the interview, it was simply my first thought. Maybe it got misunderstood, because I can’t explain it like I want (due to my bad English:D)

    I was had a eating disorder myself, when I was about 15 and I was very skinny, so I’m always happy, when I see (famous) people who look normal. Just because I know, that being skinny is not the whole point. If you have a normal weight it also means you have a strong personality who likes your body just the way it is…

    When I said “fatter” it was without any judging πŸ˜‰

  25. shiningmoment says:

    LOL at people who “worried about” whether she will be “fired” because of gaining a little weight. Do you think all people in this world are as SHALLOW as you?! LMAO

    Actors signed contract for their coming up roles with film company. if they don’t do anything conflicted with the roles very much, how can company fire them? Just think about it before you speak out some nonsense.

  26. sabastian says:

    dear lord she is not fat! just got a little extra emma! she looks good actually, she was never skinny to begin with but so long as she maintains it from here she should be fine, shes living in the states now that maybe y shes put on a few, people eat so bad in the states. since i moved to europe i shed so much weight.

  27. hamid says:

    Happy birthday obese or lean

  28. meandme says:

    I think as long as she stays the weight she has now she won’t have any problems whatsoever in the acting business bc she’s still a woman with a nice figure. If she gains more and more weight and becomes like Beth Ditto, then she’s got a problem, but for now…I just don’t understand this. She seemed to have a healthy relationship with food until now and I don’t think this has changed.

    And by the way…I think she probably looks about how she looked on March 23 because I don’t think one can become fat in such a short period of time. Also you can see her entire body in these pictures, which gives you a realistic view on how she really looks like. The video probably doesn’t do that.

    • Samfan says:

      TBH she looked thinner on the Mar 23 pictures than the Lancome ones. That was after the Daily Mail talked about her “healthy” figure. The BBC breakfast is going to be the newest videos. These one is older.

  29. Carrie says:

    All of these comments are absolutely ridiculous. Is that really what looks “fat” to you all? She looks like an American size 2 or 4. That is incredibly tiny, considering the average size here is a 14. It’s no wonder girls feel such pressure to lose weight nowadays with people like you all breathing down their necks. Gain five pounds and suddenly you’re “fat”. Good grief.

  30. Arou says:

    What’s funny about all this is that the comments keep saying Emma’S not fat except for a minority and people keep saying that the comment are riddiculous and everything.

    WE’RE ALL SAYING THE SAME THING. And those people who think she’s fat, they are a minority!

    I like people being Ok with Healthy weight. it shows that girls aren’t necessarily brainwashed by magazines.

  31. HermioneP. says:

    In my opinion the first comments on this post reflect everything that is wrong about modern society and body perception.

    There is so much pressure on girls to be thinner than what is healthy today. I do work on this topic at university, I know what I am talking about.

    In this video I see a young woman who has a perfect, healthy weight. I think there used to be a time when Emma was close to being underweight, which is very bad for your body in long term, so I’m very happy to see her like this.

    I think the fact that she decided to take a break from university helped, because stress can make you loose weight (you don’t feel hungry anymore and your body won’t take the nutrients in).

    Girls who are thinner than this might want to consider changing their diet to gain some weight!

  32. Arthur says:

    She definitely is a little chunkier, I noticed it on the Lancome video shots. She definitley needs to adapt to a newer metabolism than when you’re in your teens, you just have to work harder now to keep that slim figure otherwise it’s easy to show a little more meat which isn’t too bad but I definitely like her more slender in the face where you can notice more her cheek bones etc that brings out her perfect bone structure otherwise it gets hidden by the little fat she gained πŸ™

  33. Lawrence says:

    I think maybe she’s finally getting the “puppy fat” that all young people have and then shed when they get into their twenties. Emma’s heavy work load over the years kept her from having it and now it’s catching up.

  34. Estelle says:

    I’ll miss them πŸ™ But can’t wait to see their projects in future πŸ™‚

  35. fio says:

    OMG! Emma dont gain weight!! Being thin suits you better

  36. moh says:

    I feel disgusted with some comments. How can you say she is fat? This is so ridiculous. Any doctor will say she is perfectly healthy and lean. I think Emma has gained some weight in recent months but I see so much better. I doubt that your body is different from Lancome pictures or photos of the day March 23. And in all these she was beautiful.

    Kate Winslet starred in Titanic with more weight and still maintain a healthy weight. Sandra Bullock and Jessica Biel too. Scarlett Johansson has more weight and is a sex symbol. Beyonce and Katy Perry are other examples. For me they are all beautiful. So many girls have eating disorders. I think it’s very ugly super skinny actresses. With these you should worry about their health.

    From what I know, Emma makes a lot of exercise, take care of your health and eating. I’ve read saying that it seeks to eat healthy foods, preferably organic. She does not like fast food.

  37. Rose says:

    stop judging her for her weight! she looks always great with more pounds,less pounds, make up or no make up. you are not a true fan if you only like a person if she looks a certain way. she is talented and that is what counts

  38. Sami says:

    I for one don’t notice the supposed weight gain. She’s as dazzling, and beautiful as ever. And if she does decide to put on a few pounds, so what? It’s her body. Look at Raven Symon, she’s beautiful, and yet she’s heavy set. That should not overshadow the good things she’s doing, and the bad things she’s NOT doing. I think Emma is ten times a better role model than Miley Cyrus, or Britney Spears. She doesn’t flaunt her wealth, and pretty much rub in everyone’s faces. She does everything in her power to help people, and she deserves more respect from her fans, then being the fat subject on a messege board.

  39. Paige says:

    of for goodness sake!!! why do people obsess over other people’s blood appearance?!? i think Emma looks wonderful -much better now than what she did a couple of years ago [OopT LDN photocall – check out the pics in our Gallery]. as Emma fans, we should not be talking about her weight like this – we should be defending her against those who DON’T like her and who want to be mean. to those you are saying Emma has put weight on: what weight are you? would you like me – or others here – to call YOU fat?? think about that!

    • Anonymous says:

      Here’s the situation.. Leads to every nation.. Please exuse me. I don’t mean to be rude )
      I’m sure what there is much more situations when she needs to be protected from those who pretend to like her (I mean mad crowd of sign-hunters). Why you all decides who true fan and who is not? If I must reject reality to be her fan, then I rather’d be her hater in your eyes, then talk what she is slim or something. Me personally didn’t meant what she is fat. I quite agree what she is A LITTLE overweight now. The problem is what it is posible what it won’t stop here.
      P.S. Call me here whatever ya want.. Even d***-head, I don’t care…

      • Arou says:

        Well, I agree with anonymous, but I wont make any comentaries about the future, because she seem to have gained the weight she needed to gain… and after that point it’s pretty difficult to gain weight drastically, unless you’re eating loads of fast food everyday!

  40. Michelle says:

    The first thing I noticed is the fact the shirt and hair make her look like some grandma. I don’t like her hair since she’s letting it grow back again.

    After that I noticed she gained some weight. But does it matter? Dammit people, she’s not fat, you really don’t understand the meaning of ”fat”.

  41. CarlJuniorCM says:

    She’s been working without any resting time since many years ago and she needs ENERGY for the great challenges she have to face. Young, Beautiful, Stylish, Magical…all the good adjectives I’d write to describe her Sofisticated Presence.
    ..By the way, I’m 194pounds weight and I feel so good !!!

  42. Anonymous says:

    I just wanted to say something to all the people who are dissing how she looks: you are all ignorant, jealous people. I really don’t want to sound mean, but I don’t think you should post nasty comments about Emma just because she has gained a small amount of wait- in a GOOD way. She’s at a healthy weight.

    It’s comments by people like you that are the reason so many
    girls starve themselves to death because you make them believe they’re fat. You should take a look at yourselves and fix the way you talk about other people before hurting them knowingly/unknowingly. It’s mean comments like those that cause so much pain for the young women who are healthy and leave their health behind just because they’re told they’re fat while they’re not.

    Also, Jo Rowing wrote this herself (She was talking to somebody, but then she wrote about what happened. I haven’t included all of it because it’s quite long, I just picked out some parts. If you want to read the whole thing, reply to this and ask me):

    ‘”Fat” is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her,’ I said; I could remember it happening when I was at school, and witnessing it among the teenagers I used to teach.
    His bemusement at this everyday feature of female existence reminded me how strange and sick the ‘fat’ insult is. I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be skinny? I’m not in the business of being judged on my looks, what with being a writer and earning my living by using my brain…

    I went to the British Book Awards that evening. After the award ceremony I bumped into a woman I hadn’t seen for nearly three years. The first thing she said to me? ‘You’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you!’

    ‘Well,’ I said, slightly nonplussed, ‘the last time you saw me I’d just had a baby.’

    What I felt like saying was, ‘I’ve produced my third child and my sixth novel since I last saw you. Aren’t either of those things more important, more interesting, than my size?’ But no – my waist looked smaller! Forget the kid and the book: finally, something to celebrate!

    So the issue of size and women was (ha, ha) weighing on my mind as I flew home to Edinburgh the next day. Once up in the air, I opened a newspaper and my eyes fell, immediately, on an article about the pop star Pink.

    Her latest single, ‘Stupid Girls’, is the antidote-anthem for everything I had been thinking about women and thinness. ‘Stupid Girls’ satirises the talking toothpicks held up to girls as role models: those celebrities whose greatest achievement is un-chipped nail polish, whose only aspiration seems to be getting photographed in a different outfit nine times a day, whose only function in the world appears to be supporting the trade in overpriced handbags and rat-sized dogs.

    Maybe all this seems funny, or trivial, but it’s really not. It’s about what girls want to be, what they’re told they should be, and how they feel about who they are. I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons. Let them never be Stupid Girls.

    Okay, that’s done.

    Now, I’m not saying you’re all horrible people. I don’t even know any of you, so I’m not going to judge you. I’m just saying you should think before you open your mouths and start saying mean things about the way people look.