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About winning at the 2007 National Movie Awards (2009):"It was very nice. I didn't expect to win it. It wasn't only about Order of the Phoenix, it was for all the movies; I was flattered to with the fact that the public voted for me to get that award. It was one of my proudest moments."

February 2012 Calendar


Congratulations to Ingrid, our winner for the February Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Rinske, Alireza, Lisa, Charlotte, Willow, Jia and Nina. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted.


All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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12 Responses to “February 2012 Calendar”

  1. Zainab says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! to Ingrid; You really desevre it!
    and to all hounorable mentions!
    Jia, ur cal totally ROCKS!!!

  2. Dr.Pepper says:

    Congratulations to the winner.!! πŸ™‚ And to the honorable mentions as well. All the calendars look wonderful.

  3. Amir-Brock says:

    I enjoyed.

  4. WillowofNarnia says:

    Oh wow I got an honorable mention!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Thanks so entirely much everyone!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  5. Lisa says:

    Congrats to Ingrid! (:
    Yay! I got honourable mention!

  6. Window says:

    I see my name in HMs but my works is not there, maybe that’s another alireza! πŸ™‚

  7. TheJMJ says:

    Congratulations to Ingrid !

    I got an Honorable Mention ! :X

    @Window : I’m the Other Alireza, buddy ! πŸ˜€

  8. Ingrid says:

    WHAT I won??? That’s crazy!! πŸ˜€ and thank you all and congrats to you too πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  9. Jia says:

    Congrats to the winner and all other HMs…
    great calendars!
    thanks to all who voted for mine.. πŸ™‚