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About the site that has a countdown to her 18th birthday (2005): "Oh my God, that's really creepy ! (...) I'm 15, they're gonna have to wait a long time!"

April 2012 Calendar


Congratulations to Rinske, winner of the April Calendar Competition!



Yes, I realize the calendar does not have “” on it. That’s my fault for not catching it sooner. I’ll ask Rinske for a new version.


Honorable mentions to Ingrid, Joannnedern, Charlotte, Jia and Eilis. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted.


All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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13 Responses to “April 2012 Calendar”

  1. Amir-brock says:

    I was in holly days and now I came back.9 is so good.

  2. Andrew says:

    Congratulations to the winner and the honorable mentions. All the calendars look wonderful.!!

  3. sepid says:

    I knew Iknew.this calendar will win!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thessalie says:

    Ingrid love your one !!! =) It’s now my wallpaper.

  5. Jia says:

    I just love the winning Calendar! great work! Congrats Rinske and all other HMs…
    and thanks to all who voted for mine.. 🙂

  6. Window says:

    The first work is really beautiful, thank you Rinske

  7. berlin says:

    Joannedern, your calendar was my favourite – congratulations!!! 🙂

  8. Whinner says:

    thats not fair to the people who followed the directions and the winner calender person didnt and they still won…JUUUSSST SAYING i like the calender…i love all of them

    • dook says:

      People voted for the calendar whether it had the name of the site or not, so I think it’s a fair vote. I accepted the entry and didn’t notice it was missing, so if there is any fault it is mine. Also, people often forget to add the site, or they will write emmawatson without a “-“, or they put .com instead of .net

  9. mahdi says:

    you are yery good

  10. Andrew says:

    That makes sense as of why some people make mistakes with their calendars. Thanks dook, you are the best. 🙂

  11. sepid says:

    when the birthday arrive?