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About Art (2009):"My favourite artists are Euan Uglow, Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville. I love Tim Walker's photographs. I want to live in a Tim Walker photograph! I went to see the Francis Bacon exhibition at the Tate Gallery a few months ago and it was the most beautiful exhibition I had ever seen. But don't ask me to pick just one piece of Art, it's too difficult!"

MTV Movie Awards

Hello All!

The MTV movie awards are going to be Sunday June 3rd! Voting has already opened up. It would be wonderful for everyone to support Emma and vote! Let’s make sure she wins this year!

Emma is nominated for the following awards:

1. Best Kiss (with Rupert Grint, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)

2. Best Female Performance (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)

3. Best Cast (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)


Additionally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is nominated for the following awards:

1. Movie of the Year

2. Best Male Performance (Daniel Radcliffe)

3. Best Fight (Daniel Radcliffe v.s. Ralph Fiennes)


MTV included clips for every category as well, check them out! May this year be Emma’s year!

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28 Responses to “MTV Movie Awards”

  1. Ashkan says:

    share this …..

  2. Andrew says:

    This is great. I hope that Emma wins all those awards that were mentioned. After all, with hard work and determination, she deserves them for working very hard in the Harry Potter movies.

  3. Thessalie says:

    I voted maaaaany times ^^

  4. susangbhatt says:

    nice,surely i vote 4. she works extremely hard in harry potters movies.i hope emma wins awards.

  5. susangbhatt says:

    nice,surely i vote 4 emma. she works extremely hard in harry potters movies.i hope emma wins awards.

  6. Rachel says:

    voting over 500 times on each one πŸ™‚ Hope she’ll win! Emma deserves every single one of those.

  7. sepid says:

    yes.but I cant vote for emma because this site is…..

    • Silly says:

      I know right! The site wants up to create an account with them before we can ever cast our vote.

  8. Estelle says:

    They need to win!

  9. Nicole says:

    Just voted again for all the categories involving Emma or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : Part 2 πŸ™‚ fingers crossed they win every single one!!They deserve it!! Good luck Emma!! πŸ™‚

  10. Anonymous says:

    Where’s the Photo Of The Day from?
    I think I see Mario Testino on the right, so it’s probably a photoshoot, but for what, and where and when?

  11. Cait says:

    Does anyone understand emma’s new tweet? Superr confused

    • dook says:

      It’s a reference to “Matilda the Musical” playing in the West End. It’s based on the book Matilda about a young girl, extremely intelligent and with special powers, who plays pranks on people that aren’t nice. Emma went to see the play.

  12. Anon says:

    They always get nominated every year nd never win, so if they don’t win this year nobody should get upset cuz this is an America. Award show and Harry potter barely wins anything. Just saying! But it would be nice if they won, but I wouldn’t get my hopes us. Also, she went last year, nd she didn’t seem to like to award show, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t come to the 2012 one.

  13. KRISTEN says:

    the reason the cast of harry potter was nominated was only because MTV KNOWS they wont have a chance with huger games. so they just add harry potter to all the nod’s to fill up space. because they are celebrity driven and don’t care about real talent.

    • Anon says:

      I think you right about that, but if u really think about it Harry Potter isn’t that popular with the American award shows, and they foes on more american based movies to win.

  14. ronaldo says:

    i voted for emma and for all harry potter niminations..i hope that emma wins at least for 1 of the above categories..she is truly very brilliant and hard working..

  15. KRISTEN says:

    it was back in 2001 through 2004 that harry potter was big , but after X Amount of years the movie critics and nominators alike moved on after 2004 with harry potter it became to much for them to see the rare quality in harry potter anymore so they stopped caring. if you where right about this being about American bast movies then what do you call LORD OF THE RINGS ? That movie was nominated for 8 awards in 2004 and won them all. It was also NOT an american movie. it was made by & in NEW ZEALAND. so i quot myself once more (they are celebrity driven and don’t care about real talent of films.)

  16. Dahoom says:

    I voted … I really hope that emma wins, if not I’ll get sad

  17. Anon says:

    True! But harry potter earns more awards here in the uk than in america. I don’t really think it’s celebrity driven though, cuz he tree of them are famous, but maybe not famous enough for the American award shows to say yes for them to get winnings in america.

  18. KRISTEN says:

    true true ^_^

  19. surendramahant says happy birtday emmawaston

    • emmawatson i hope harrypotter movie very hardworking i think this movie word best movie fast time watching this movie fan emmawatson movie harrypotter 1st part fan of this movie i like harrypotter all parts thanks god harrypotter making this movie all actrous best hardworking all working this movie my favirote movie big fan for emmawatson happy emmawatson happy birtday 22 year emmawatson life very happynes life HAPPY BIRTDAY EMMAWATSON for surendra mahant c.g. india you are angle thank for this articl hap

  20. Harald says:

    On POTD of May 8th she has a smile that looks like, but would make Marily Monroe jealous! How can one Lady be so pretty?!

  21. Silly says:

    Can’t vote unless I sign-in and create an account! Why does it have to be like that!?

  22. ondowuzz says:

    so many bitter comments about american’s awards….
    though i do agree all those opinions above πŸ˜€