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About her acting class at Brown: "I think actually I'm the worst person in the class!" (2010)

Emma on Preparing for Bling Ring

In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, and on their website, Emma Watson talks about how she prepared for her role in Sofia Coppola’s The Bling Ring. ”I just watched a ton of reality TV. I was doing an English course [at Brown University]. So I would go from reading Virginia Woolf to [watching] Kim Kardashian. I kind of loved it, this mix of super-high and super-low culture. I think it was a nice balance.”

The article includes a new promotional photo from Bling Ring, with Taissa Farmiga, Israel Broussard, Emma, Katie Chang, and Claire Julien.

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15 Responses to “Emma on Preparing for Bling Ring”

  1. Joanne says:

    OMGOD she looks fantastic as always!!! 🙂

  2. Amir-Brock says:

    I think that is nice film.

  3. Emily says:

    lovely photo

  4. Andrew says:

    Emma looks great in the photo. Great outfit. 🙂

  5. susangbhatt says:

    nice group photo.emma looks amazingly well in any outfit curiously waiting 4 movie.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “…super-low culture…” 😀

  7. Estelle says:

    the photo looks great. Emma looks gorgeous. She watched reality TV as in Kim? Uh I am so sorry Emma.

  8. Nicole says:

    Emma looks stunning in that photo 🙂 I adore the whole outfit!! 🙂

  9. hamid says:

    the photo is nice i am from iran

  10. hamid says:

    i need aphoto emma please

  11. 216 says:

    I once looked into your Eyes and saw a Divine Spark, a Light of Love that I have been waiting and searching for so long. I Believed that you were the Angel sent from the Sun with the Golden Heart that carries the Divine Flame which would Light up my Moon Heart once again connecting both Worlds of Ligh and Darkness into One. Now when I look into your Eyes I dont see it anymore, It seems that I was wrong, you are not the One I tought you were, my quest continues… I ask you if you have not already done it, to please ignore everything I said before for it was not meant for you. I apologise for my mistake and I wish you the best of luck in your life.
    I shall bother you no more…

  12. KS987 says:

    The article mentions Emma saying she prepared for Bling Ring while she was at Brown. However she hasn’t been at Brown since the fall/winter semester of 2010. She had to take a break during the spring semester and went to Oxford University last fall. Did they mix up Brown and Oxford, or was it referring to the fact that she’s studying abroad at Oxford as part of a program for Brown?

    Emma looks gorgeous as always.

  13. Sharmeen says:

    Wow nice group photo and all are looking good 🙂 and emma is looking beautiful as always…

  14. luvne says:

    Ok, but which one is Emma? :DD