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Emma in Talks for Role in Aronofsky’s Noah

In the latest casting rumour, Emma Watson is reportedly in talks to co-star in Noah, Darren Aronofsky’s adaption of the biblical story of Noah and the ark. Deadline and Variety both say Emma would “play Ila, a young woman who develops a close relationship with Noah’s son, Shem.” Russel Crowe is cast as Noah, Douglas Booth as Shem, and Logan Lerman as Ham, Noah’s other son.

Emma recently “followed” Aronofsky on twitter which does seem to support the rumour. We’ll have more information as it becomes available.

Update: Emma has been added to the cast on IMDB. We have not yet heard from Emma, but some sites are reporting that she has accepted. Ray Winstone is in talks now and it is rumored that Jennifer Connelly may play Noah’s wife.

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39 Responses to “Emma in Talks for Role in Aronofsky’s Noah”

  1. Jason says:

    Hmmmmm….maybe it’s just me, but I have trouble visualizing Emma in a biblical epic. Those kind of things are pretty much pre-destined to be classified as B movies.

    • Jonny Carinthia says:

      You are right. The big epic bible-movies of the 1950 are history…. She should select her roles very carful….

      • Leey says:

        I’m sorry, but I can’t agree. This is Aronofsky we’re talking about. Just look at his works.

        An opportunity in one of his pictures would only boost (even more) Emma’s career, at such young age.

        • Jonny Carinthia says:

          I looked at his works… That’s the reason, why I have my doubts about this rumor….. She should not get too much lost in this sort of “modern art”.

          • Arie says:

            So you’re saying you don’t want Emma to get involved with a director who has been nominated and won many Golden Globes and Oscars for his work? Need I point out that Natalie Portman won the Oscar for Best Actress in Black Swan? This is the exact sort of thing you should want Emma to get into! Quality films! Aronofsky is an amazing director. This movie is going to big. It would be amazing for Emma to get involved!

          • Jonny Carinthia says:

            @arie: well, let’s say so: in the end, the customer decides, what he buys and what not…..

  2. Can i apply to be affilate here?? just wondering! My fansite is new and I would like to be affilates with yours! 🙂

  3. Andrew says:

    I hope this is true. Since I am a Christian and I strongly believe in the Bible. I am looking forward to hearing more about this in the future. 😀

  4. Nat says:

    I’d be pretty surprised if this ends up happening. I am a fan of Emma’s but I don’t think she has the acting chops for an Aronofsky film.

  5. Susang bhatt says:

    If is true. Than it’s really good news.emma gets a good movies in quick time

  6. sepid says:

    I am sure she is best in every roles

  7. Lynn says:

    She will be perfect! She makes again a film with Logan.

  8. Sally says:


  9. Joyce says:

    Well, she certainly is cranking out movies at a steady rate now, isn’t she? Wonder how she’s handling that along with school. Either way; I can see her in an Aronofsky very easily, if you’ve ever watched Eva Green in Cracks or Frankyln, I think that would be the sort of character she’d play – albeit, a little less better than Ms Green.

  10. Charlie says:

    An other movie with Logan Lerman? Go EMMA!

  11. Harald says:

    Considering the kind of work D.Aronofsky has done so far, this will certainly be a challenge for Emma…but then, challenges aren’t made to be avoidet.

  12. Nasrin says:

    Please don’t spam the thread

    -Arie (Staff)

  13. Anna says:

    I hope she does it. I think it will be a nice challenge for Emma and will showcase her acting ability.
    I’m excited to see this movie
    PS. The biography and facts page need to be update.

  14. KS987 says:

    Emma’s been attached to a lot of movies lately, and I’m loving it. 🙂 Her career is really taking off now. I hope this is true. I wonder if she still has all those bibles sent to her from years ago, since they would really come in handy for this role. 😛

    Are Emma and Jo still taking questions, or are they taking a break at the moment?

  15. Emily says:

    I hope she does it!

  16. Luis says:

    I really hope Emma plays Ila and Jennifer plays Naameh, it would be great to watch them together in that Aronofsky’s movie. I love Jennifer Connelly since I saw her in a movie named “Labyrinth”, she’s so talented and so beautiful woman too 🙂
    If Emma thinks this is a good opportunity in her career, we should support her guys, come on!! 😉
    Go Emma! The World awaits you 🙂

  17. Bruce says:

    For those saying Emma should not do this role, here’s a quote from an article in Variety with regards to Dakota Fanning having to turn down the role that Emma is reported to be taking:

    “Complicating matters was “Very Good Girls” producer Norton Herrick, who dug in his heels and created a standoff that forced Fanning to walk away from what sources close to the actress describe as “potentially the greatest role of her career.”

    The article can be read here:|News|LatestNews

    This may be huge for Emma…

    • Jonny Carinthia says:

      If she does it, it is maybe one of her roles, she will do, but certainly not “the greatest of her career”. Emma is just developing her skills and her talent outside the “HP-World” and I think, we will see her in her “greatest role” in the future. She needs movies with her in a leading, the movie dominating role. I think not, that any of the roles she has done so fare are in the caterorie “Performance in a leading role”. For me, personally, the movie in question is not the right one for her, but this is my personal opinion. And she will, of course, do what she wants and not what her fans want her to do………

      • Joyce says:

        I personally disagree. I think an actor can have the greatest role in their career just as a supporting character, it all depends on just HOW good an actor they are. Case in point: Heath Ledger as the Joker.

        • Jonny Carinthia says:

          But not Emma! I cannot imagine that with her talent a supporting character will be the best she will ever do…..
          And Heather Ledger, I think, he died much to early so we really cannot now, which great parts he would have had in is later years…..

          • Jonny Carinthia says:


          • Joyce says:

            Perhaps your right with Heath- I was just trying to come up with a well known example. However, I think the role does not matter: if she does whatever she choses to do well, that could certainly be the role of her career. And so far; Hermione is it. Maybe it will change, maybe it won’t.
            Also; Emma, as much as I love her, is not the best actress I’ve seen yet. I say this lightly, since the only roles I’ve seen her in outside of Potter are Ballet Shoes and Desperaux, so I wait with baited breath for Perks and YViMH. Personally, I’m not excited about the Bling Ring, I’ll see it, but it looks ridiculous, and I’m not sure why Emma chose it. You can’t proclaim that she has a ridiculous amount of talent when we’ve seen her in all of three roles. Personally, I think we should wait until she’s done a few more movies to judge.

          • Jonny Carinthia says:

            @Joyce: I can agree with that. I was always thinking, that the first movie, in which she really “acted”, was “Ballet Shoes” and I was stunned, when I saw this “fairy tale” the first time. HP was, well, only Emma playing herself under the name “Hermione”. “My week with Marilyn” was a first good step in the right direction, but the part was too small….. “Perks”, as far as I can see it now, will be a real highlight. “Bling” is a story, people of her age maybe interested in, so she choosed it. “End of the world” is nonsense, nothing to think about. Aronofsky is again just “in”, and I cannot imagine that the part, she will play, will be a great challenge for her. I think, she can be a great actress, but right now I think she is drifting too much in the direction of “Hollywood” and “America”. I dearly hope she has a real strategy for her future, otherwise she will not make it to the top. Due to her personality she can make it, but not with this movies, she selects right now……

  18. Bruce says:

    You make a good point, although what I was trying to convey was others in the business do not think the role is insignificant. I hope she does it, as it’s a great opportunity for her.

  19. Joyce says:

    Well it’s official…Emma’s living in NYC.

  20. sepid says:

    it is great.just it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Amir-Brock says:

    I think if she should not go in it. Maybe she misses many things.

  22. Nicole says:

    I really hope Emma is doing this film. This could be massive for her career. It seems highly likely she is, now she has been added to the cast on IMDB and she has followeed Aronofsky on twitter which also makes it likely she is doing this film. I will be excited to see her work with Logan again!! 🙂