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About auditioning (2007): "Mum and Dad kept trying to make me realise there was only a very small chance because thousands of other children had been seen. I was not at a performing-arts school - just a small school in Oxford. But I badly wanted it."

Emma on Jimmy Fallon

Emma Watson was a guest on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon this evening. They talked about Noah and Russell Crowe, the recent media hubbub about viruses, Perks, and collecting vinyl records. The highlight of the appearance though was Emma showing us some great moves as she danced with Fallon.

Update: NBC has the video on their site, embedded below. It’s in 2 parts and you have to sit through the ads. Sorry about that. Also, they may not work in some countries.

Update 2: Added part 3 of 2 πŸ˜‰

Update 3: Added transcript below. Best effort, some missing, probably some mistakes.


JF: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the lovely, the beautiful, Emma watson!

JF: Emma, you look gorgeous. Do you watch a lot of late night television? [unintelligible] Hey, I have a question for you, I really do.

EW: Ok, really, for real?

JF: Yeah, are you shooting a movie with Russell Crowe right?

EW: I am indeed.

JF: Where is it again?

EW: We were shooting in Iceland, in Reykjavik.

JF: And I just heard that he got like — cause is he crazy or something? He is nuts. He got like pulled out of the ocean or something with…

EW: He, yes, there was, he was — yes, he had to call the emergency services, he needed to get rescued off a kayak.
But this came as no surprise to me, because like Russell bikes to set, he like walks like 6 miles to set–

JF: Yeah, he’s an adventurous guy.

EW: If he like catapulted onto set in a jetpack I probably wouldn’t blink. I would be like —

JF: Yep that’s how Russell gets to work.

EW: Yes

JF: He parachutes in.

EW: Yes, yes.

JF: You’re making headlines, more headlines recently, I read this that you’re the most dangerous person on the internet.

EW: I’m dangerous.

JF: Hey, come on. No, they’re saying, because people use your face and name to try to trick people into giving their address and emails and social security numbers and stuff.

EW: Well, my brother was like ‘Yeah, you’re about as dangerous as like a fluffy bunny rabbit.’

JF: You don’t come across really as dangerous to me, yeah.

EW: This was a PR stunt of mine, to try and edgy myself up a little.

JF: Yeah, totally, I mean just look in that camera right there and just make a dangerous face. This is it, look at how dangerous. Thats, I mean that’s dangerous. Look at how —

JF: I’m [unintelligible] your new movie.

EW: Thank you.

JF: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

EW: Yes.

JF: It’s set in 1991. Which is — I graduated in 1992. You were born in 1990.

EW: 1990, and my brother’s born in 92.

JF: Oh, is that right?

EW: Yes.

JF: That’s when I graduated high school. So, it’s about high school kids, and a lot of good music in this.

EW: Yes, the soundtrack is awesome, I have to say. It —

JF: Who’s on there?

EW: So you have like a ton of the Smiths, and I got really into the Cocteau Twins.

JF: Yeah, you told me about this song, called something drop.

EW: Pearly Dewdrops Drop.

JF: Pearly Dewdrops Drop, anyone remember hearing this song? Oh really, I’ve never heard this — dude it’s fantastic. Of course Kirk knows it. It is such a good song, but I listened to it on youtube, I was like ‘I love this song.’

EW: Amazing, well it’s Sam favorite song in the movie and in the book, and then it became my favorite song throughout the shoot which was very appropriate, but the coolest thing was that Steve gave me my first vinyl, Steve who’s the director, he gave me Morissey and I’ve been collecting vinyl ever since.

JF: That’s right because you grew up in a generation where’s there’s no such thing.

EW: Yes.

JF: It’s like Santa Claus, I never met him, but I know he exists.

EW: Exactly and like I find —

JF: Isn’t it fun?

EW: It’s so fun. And so much less stressful than an iPod cause you’re not like stressing about shuffling or flicking songs, or like, people seeing that —

JF: You have a bad song. Cause if you have a bad song in the mix, it’s like —

EW: So embarassing.

JF: It’s pretty embarrassing yeah.

EW: You know, you don’t want to know that you have like Justin Bieber on your playlist played like 25 times.

JF: Yeah they do tell you how many times you listened to it. For me it’s Barbara Streisand. They just find that and they go you listen to too much Barbara. Now you shot this in Pittsburgh.

EW: Yes.

JF: Which I love Pittsburgh.

EW: Pittsburgh is awesome.

JF: Did you — Oh really?

EW: Pittsburgh is so awesome.

JF: It’s cool right.

EW: Everyone’s super friendly and —

JF: Did you eat at Primanti Brothers Sandwiches?

EW: I ate at Primanti Brothers.

JF: Yes! [unintelligible] It’s so rad.

EW: It’s so rad.

JF: They put — what do they put on it? French fries?

EW: So you get like a whole sandwich and then as if that’s not enough, you get the fries on top as part of the bite.

JF: In the sandwich and they squash it down and that’s the sandwich. And if you make one change at all, and like ‘can I have a little…’ they throw you out.

EW: Uh huh. No —

JF: They go ‘get out’. Yeah, I go ‘can I have mine with no maio..’ and then I’m in handcuffs.

JF: Did you go see home Warhols?

EW: I did. I did go —

JF: He’s from Pittsburgh.

EW: Yes.

JF: You have a little Edit Sedgwicky type of thing to you.

EW: That’s the biggest compliment I’ve like ever, like, received.

JF: Really?

EW: I love Edie Sedgwick. She’s such — she’s awesome.

JF: Really. Well, I see a little bit of her in you. But, this movies’ based on a popular book.

EW: Yes.

JF: You have a trend with you.

EW: I do this. It’s so bad.

JF: Cause you do the Harry Potter, a few people have read that as well. But this one has a cult following as well.

EW: It does. It has a really — the people who identify with this book are very very very passionate about the book, and I hadn’t heard of it before I took on the roll. I read the script and then I read the book afterwards, but now I fully get it.

JF: Do you want to explain what it’s about to everybody?

EW: Yeah. So, the book is about a boy called Charlie, and Charlie is this kind of amazing boy. He is so non-judgemental, he’s such a sweet guy. And he gets thrown into high school and just gets —

JF: Run over.

EW: Yeah, just gets run over basically. Bambi in the headlights. And then he just– and like– luckily he meets Sam and Patrick who kind of are the friends that help him through his trouble time and through high school and — it’s kind of like —

JF: They discover music together.

EW: Yeah

JF: And they just — it’s a coming of age. It’s almost like The Breakfast Club of our gen– that was when your parents were born, the Breakfast Club [?], but it’s kind of like the Breakfast Club-ish of our generation. I’m so excited to see this movie.

EW: Yay.

JF: This clip is you guys all driving a truck, discovering the song Heroes by David Bowie.

EW: Yes.

JF: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, here’s Emma Watson.

[movie clip]
Charlie: What is she doing?
Patrick: Don’t worry, she does it all the time.
Sam: Turn it up!
Patrick: Got it, your highness.
Patrick: What?
Charlie: I feel infinite.
[end of clip]

JF: How much fun was that? That was fun. I can’t wait for this.

EW: It was seriously seriously fun.

JF: More with Emma Watson when we get back everybody.

[clip of Emma and Ezra Miller rehearsing the dance scene]

JF: We’re hanging out with Emma Watson and we just saw some footage of her at dance rehearsal for her movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

EW: Indeed.

JF: You’ve got some good moves there.

EW: Well thanks.

JF: Now is it tough to learn those dances? Could you teach me those dances?

EW: Yeah, for sure.

JF: Could you?

EW: Are you down?

JF: Let’s go, you teach me, I’d love to.. I’ll do it. I don’t care. What do we do. Do we…

EW: Are we — we’re doing this…

JF: You teach me some …

EW: We’re really doing this, ok great, well ok, so the first move is kind of from dancing in the … like singing in the rain, so we do like a little kick out to the side, you can bring in some jazz hands.

JF: Jazz hands.

EW: And we’ll speed it up a little. That’s great.

JF: That’s really good.

EW: Ok, and then this ones great[?], this one’s from Grease. So, I’m going to need you to get down on one knee if that’s cool.

JF: Ok, yeah I [?]. Emma we’ve known each other for 2 seconds.

EW: So, I’m going to slap you this way.

JF: Ooh, yeah.

EW: And I’m going to slap you — [laughs] and then I’m going to slap you the other way. And then you’re going to get up.

JF: Uh huh.

EW: And you’re going to follow me, and we’re going to do the Grease.

JF: Uh huh.

EW: And then I’m going to push you back.

JF: Ok, yeah.

EW: And we’re going to do the Grease.

JF: Oh yeah, oh yeah, I know exactly… [unintelligible John Travolta impression — She’s like ‘I can not believe [?] [?] [?]

EW: Tell me about it stud. Want to do it again.

JF: [?] yeah.

EW: Ok, go on down.

JF: [unintelligible]

EW: And then we have — we — let’s do one more.

JF: Alright, one more, here we go.

EW: This is, phew, are you ready for this.

JF: I don’t know. [?]so far so good.

EW: Ok, so I’m going — we’re going to do the Dirty Dancing lift.

JF: Oh yeah, this is big.

EW: So, you’re going to stay there.

JF: I hope that I —

EW: I’m going to go over here.

JF: I hope I don’t drop you.

EW: Ha ha.

JF: Payback is so fun.

EW: Ok, so I’m going to run.

JF: Ok.

EW: And you’re going to put your arms around me.

JF: Yeah.

EW: And then you’re going to twist.

JF: Yes.

EW: And I’m going to — and it’s going to be beautiful.

JF: Alright, here we go.

EW: Alright.

JF: Come on. It’s a [?]. Emma Watson. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, opens in New York and LA, September 21st. Tony Danza joins us after the break.

Comments closed for this item.

67 Responses to “Emma on Jimmy Fallon”

  1. anitha says:

    oh god…feeling infinite

  2. Jen says:

    This has officially become my favorite interview with her. β™₯

  3. sparkvark111 says:

    It was funny with some new information. First dance on television. Looks like the years of lessons paid off. πŸ˜›

  4. anastasia says:

    soooooo cuuute!

  5. Jaana says:

    This is one of the best interviews she’s ever done! It looked like she was actually having fun and she seemed relaxed and more like herself than in most “normal” interviews. πŸ™‚ The dancing bit was soooooooooo incredibly cute! Jimmy is one lucky guy, haha. πŸ˜€

  6. Joyce says:

    THE BEST EMMA INTERVIEW, EVER! Love the danger face!

  7. Summer says:

    It was far more interesting than any Letterman interviews she’s done so far.

  8. sam says:

    yeah baby come on

  9. Iris says:

    Oh my god this was fantastic! She’s so funny and outgoing, so lovely.

  10. susang bhatt says:

    nice interview & emma’s Dance is Simply Outstanding With Jimmy Fallon.

  11. Heini says:

    I have watched this video two times already and I love it more and more…

  12. Anonymous says:

    What does he mean saying “playback is fun”?

    • Chris says:

      According to a few people who attended, she accidently called him Jimmy Kimmel during their hug. Which is why the first question he asked was if she watches a lot of late night television.

  13. Amanda says:

    She has to be the cutest thing that has ever walked on Earth.

  14. Amanda A. says:

    BABY, BABY, BABY! Proud! <33

  15. jane says:

    cant stop watching

  16. Chris says:

    That was probably the most fun Emma has looked promoting this film, and I think that’s something that she needed. To get away from a lot of the monotony Q&A’s she’s been thru over the past week.

  17. sepid says:

    why everyone called emma is dangerous???

  18. sepid says:

    I can’t make it out.Is that mean emma’s name like virous site???

  19. sepid says:

    and one more question: what is the song of clip that emma stood up in back of truck in tunnel?????

  20. dook says:

    Sepid, the song is “Heroes” by David Bowie.

    It means people that create virus and malware sites are using Emma’s name on their site, so when people search google and visit the site they get infected.

  21. Sacred_Path says:

    that was a looooooong hug… I’m jealous XD. And I love Dangerous Emma.

  22. Jenna says:

    I can’t stop watching!!! She’s so cute, I wish I could dance with her πŸ˜› And her dangerous face is pretty good ^^

  23. Aida says:

    Thank you so much!!!!

  24. Monika says:

    Don’t you think that Jimmy can’t take his eyes off Emma? πŸ˜‰ In my opinion he’s absolutely enthralled. And I like watching her soooo joyful πŸ™‚

  25. Dine Silver says:

    “Hello, I have many problems in English. In fact, I have a bad ear, and therefore
    I can not understand the? words.
    So here is my question, I wonder if it was possible to have? the transcript
    (in English) of this interview?
    It is possible that if you answer me, you send me a private message? (
    Thank you in advance.
    Sorry for my english, I used Google Translation…”

    Bonjour, J’ai une question. – J’ai beaucoup de problΓ¨mes en anglais.
    En fait, j’ai une mauvaise oreille et donc, j’ai du mal Γ  comprendre les mots.
    Alors voila ma question; Je voudrais savoir si il Γ©tait possible d’avoir la
    retranscription? (en anglais) de cette interview??
    Est il possible que, si vous me rΓ©pondez, vous m’envoyer un message privΓ©? (
    Merci d’avance. Bonne Continuation

  26. Jia says:

    Loved how Emma made the ‘dangerous’ face! Soooooo Cuteeee!!!!! <3 ^_^

  27. Jule says:

    so so so so great πŸ˜‰

  28. tabitoo says:

    Oh so now I get it. She came out and called him Jimmy Kimmel so he was like No Way, lets do this again, and her entrance was reshot. I kept feeling like there was somekind of inside joke going on. I’m so glad now that I know what that was about. Makes it even better. πŸ™‚

  29. Jane says:

    She is such a good dancer!!

  30. Lavinia says:

    I wish I could dance like her πŸ˜€ ps. she’s amazing <3

  31. JT says:

    This interview is amazing Emma looked so cute and she`s a good dancer.

  32. lover says:


  33. Joyce says:

    Emma and Jimmy just became my OTP

  34. sparkvark111 says:

    New Clip and interview on MTV.

    “MTV First: The Perks of Being a Wallflower” on Tuesday September 18 at 7:56 p.m. ET. Emma Watson, Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller will be on hand to present an exclusive new clip from the film, followed by a 30-minute interview on πŸ˜‰

  35. Arthur says:

    Awww, video doesn’t worked and all I got to see were those sexy legs of her on the preview image πŸ™

  36. Luis says:

    I guess a third video is missing: the part where they dance, right?
    Love the dangerous face too πŸ™‚

  37. Kristen says:

    Emma was seriously hysterical to watch with Jimmy Fallon-the dance moves and fluffy bunny rabbit are by far my fav highlites!!!! πŸ˜‰ I DVRED it and plan on keeping that interview for as long as I can….her dress and hair rocked!!!!!!!

  38. ram says:

    the video is working for me…love her

  39. Madeline says:

    Notice the ‘almost’ shoulder touch in the first video? He was sooo into her. Cute πŸ™‚ LOVE them both!!!

  40. Mike says:

    Emma was great on Fallon. She is killin it with the hot dress and great moves. She is one fine looking women.
    She should come to this site anytime she doughts her appeal.

  41. Kitty says:

    Fortunately these videos work here in Hong Kong! πŸ™‚
    And thank you sooo much Dook!!! It’s incredible to have a transcript! I love this fansite!!

  42. Buffy says:

    Really loved this show. Made me love her more πŸ™‚ And thank you so much for the script. It’s really helpful for non-english fans of Emma. πŸ™‚

  43. This movie really helped her show off more confidence. When most actors get older they become more serious. I think she was really serious when Harry potter went on but now she can joke around more. Just my opinion

  44. Nikko says:

    can you please upload the other version because the new videos doesn’t work outside the US

    • dook says:

      I’m sorry, I can’t do that. NBC does not like people posting the video, and I don’t want any problems with them. You can find it on google though, but I won’t post any links.

  45. amin says:

    update the video archive please

  46. Sacred_Path says:

    Thanks dook for pointing out the personal names. I had no idea who Edie Sedgwick was before

  47. KS987 says:

    That was one of the best interviews Emma’s done so far. It’s great to see Emma having fun with the whole “most dangerous celebrity on the web” story. Emma’s “dangerous face” is both cute and sexy at the same time, as was her dancing. Boy does she have quite the moves or what? And once again here I am willing to give anything to switch places with Fallon and get to dance with Emma myself. It was just amazing to see her in action, even with the laughing and joking around. πŸ™‚ Overall amazing interview and one of my favorites so far. πŸ™‚