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About being friends with Daniel and Rupert (2001): "I have made very good friends with them. But (leans as if telling a secret) I would like some female company occasionally."

Emma on BBC Radio

We have a couple of radio interviews today. Emma talked with BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat about celebrity lifestyle, and security concerns.

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On BBC Radio Scotland’s The Culture Studio, Shereen Nanjiani and James Kleinman discuss background of the real life Bling Ring, and background of the movie. This is followed by an interview with Emma discussing her character, her accent, and why she chooses the roles she has. The interview with Emma starts at 6:25 if you want to skip ahead.

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10 Responses to “Emma on BBC Radio”

  1. Tim says:


  2. Julieta Mateo says:

    “Self assured articulate woman” A fitting compliment for this extraordinary actress. An interesting interview and a candid response from Miss Emma Watson . I thought I knew everything I had to know about her . I was wrong , she is not just Hermione Granger! She is much , much more than that …

  3. tabitoo says:

    No wonder Emma likes living over here in NY so much. We would never get Emma’s name wrong. I have a feeling that in the U.S. she is more liked and a bigger star than she is in England. I also think that we are more willing to move on from from Harry Potter and ready to let it go than they are in England. I mean every time she does something over there in the tabloids they are like what would Harry or Ron do or say. Over here that was like a million years ago let it go already. lol We are much more ready to move on and see Emma in other roles and I think she is respected more over here as a woman and an actress. The US seems to move at a faster pace when it comes to celebrity news it’s like that happened two weeks ago so it’s old. Our attention span is much shorter than other countries I think. IMO

    • Nicole says:

      Funny as i’m from the UK and i know tons of people here that like me, really think Emma’s amazing. So i don’t think its fair to say Americans ”respect and like her more’ just saying. Also, Emma was born here so her home will always be in England.

    • Nicole says:

      Oops didn’t mean born here, i meant grew up here >.< so Britain will always be her home.

  4. tabitoo says:

    In addendum I know that lots of ppl have messed up on Emma’s name in the past I mean over the last two years since she has become considered what we refer to as a “A lister” over here. Since she proved relevant after the HP movies and an actress with “My Week with Marilyn” and “Perks” especially. Everyone knows who Emma Watson is and no one over here would confuse her with Emma Thompson except my grandma perhaps. Not that Emma Thompson isn’t great Emma Watson is just an “It” girl right now. High in demand you could say.

    • Elena says:

      Either Thompson instead of Watson or Emily instead of Emma is really STUPID and sad. It has nothing to do with the emma thompson or emily watson, they’re plain silly. Just my opinion:)

  5. Sacred_Path says:

    The Bling Thing >.<

  6. Anonymous says:

    Emma just continues to enthrall me in her interviews…always so articulate and down to earth…the UK is definitely different than the USA…no question…I also believe she nails the differences between LA and the UK perfectly. Emma, Rupert, and Dan know that they will ALWAYS be known as Hermione/Ron/Harry. They do. They will pick roles that they want to do and not because they will be blockbuster successes. Emma said that she chooses the director and stories-she has done an AWESOME job in her choices. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for projects for her.

  7. Pragya says:

    Haha, she’s one of those accent sponges – she takes on a twang of the person she’s talking to – she says some words with a Scottish accent in the second interview xD