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About what she loves most about playing Hermione (2002): "She's the only girl so she gets to boss everybody about...Girl power! She gets the best lines and... she kicks ass!"

July 2014 Calendar


Congratulations to Salman, our winner for the July Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Salman, Monika, and Nathalie. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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6 Responses to “July 2014 Calendar”

  1. UnicaGarcia says:

    Congrats! 🙂

  2. Salman says:

    Thanks to Everyone who voted my creativeness …….

  3. peter says:

    I love u emma

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. D-one says:

    Hello Salman

    Congrats for your calendar 🙂

    I want to ask you something: could you please explain a bit what are you trying to transmit with that picture? I just want to understand your creation.

    To be honest, I didn’t like it at all in the end. Those wings are like leafs and branchs looking closely, but from afar they look… emmm… quite skeletal and evil to me. Even gargoyle-like, you know… and that’s something I think shouldn´t be attached in any image of Emma…

    Thank you in advance for your upcoming explanation 🙂

  6. frank says:

    Congrats on your calender Have a Happy Summer