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About fair trade (2010): "I first started learning about Fair Trade fashion simply because I did a piece of geography course work on it. I thought why isn't everything Fair Trade? From that point I started to look for labels that were Fair Trade and started researching it. When I thought of Fair Trade I thought of bananas and coffee and I thought this was as far as it went. But, of course pretty much anything can be Fair Trade. My collection is very much based on cotton and jersey which all can be made Fair Trade and organic. It's so great to work with something that hasn't been made with chemicals and is helping someone abroad who isn't earning a lot of money. The great thing about these clothes is that they are comparable to high street prices so affordable but go towards a really good cause. You win all around."

New Colonia Poster and Still


The world premiere of Colonia takes place today at the Toronto International Film Festival. Emma is in California to film The Circle but she has released a new teaser poster and a still from the film on her facebook and twitter accounts.




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6 Responses to “New Colonia Poster and Still”

  1. 130671 says:

    I’m surely not complaining but that movie poster looks like an ad for cosmetics or something 😛

  2. Ian says:

    Can’t wait for this! Sure will be nice when all these movies actually start coming out!

  3. susang says:

    nice poster waiting for releasing date.

  4. fuzzy says:

    what would the world do without photoshop?

    • elena says:

      unfortunately she doesn’t wear any photoshop on her face, they just cropped the image and put the text on it.

  5. Kristen says:

    Please release her movies to the US already!!!! Dying to see both of these!! I saw the trailer and OMG…