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About dressing the way she wants (2007): "In interviews like this and when I'm working on Harry Potter I can dress myself, but the stylists on those shoots have a strong view of what they want you to look like. So sometimes it's a bit of a battle between what they want you to be and what I really am, so I'm like, 'Please take off the eyeliner', or 'Please don't put me in those awful shoes', or whatever it is."

February 2016 Calendar


Congratulations to Anurag, our winner for the February Calendar Competition!



Honorable mention to Monika, Jia and Pratik. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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3 Responses to “February 2016 Calendar”

  1. david says:

    there are too meany sunday’s in the calendar.

  2. Fernando says:

    Nice,great calendars.!