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About memories (2009):"I save some things from my childhood, with little memos about things I said or thought. I also keep boxes of memorabilia, including a piece of the Giant chess set. I have a lot of little things they let us keep."

It’s Red Nose Day

It’s Red Nose Day USA! Emma Watson and many of your favorite celebrities are participating in this year’s Red Nose Day in a 2 hour comedy filled special airing tonight on NBC (9pm EST). The charity event raises funds to help children in need worldwide. To learn more, and donate, go here.

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3 Responses to “It’s Red Nose Day”

  1. Fernando says:

    Nice,it’s great to see them help the children of the world!

  2. Aakriti says:

    Lol n it’s really good to see them do something good for the world