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About how many kids Ron and Hermione will have (2007): "(Laughter) ummmmm. Well I don't know...Weasleys do have big families. I'm not sure how Hermione will feel about that (Laughter)."

Emma as Belle in Beauty and the Beast


Entertainment Weekly has the first official stills with Emma Watson from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and will feature in a cover story in their next issue. The images include Emma as Belle, Dan Stevens as Beast and Kevin Kline as Maurice. A set shot shows Emma and director Bill Condon.

The November 11 issue of Entertainment Weekly hits newsstands Friday, November 4 and includes more photos, and comments from Emma, Dan Stevens and other stars.

Beauty and the Beast opens in theaters March 17, 2017.

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10 Responses to “Emma as Belle in Beauty and the Beast”

  1. Ian says:

    Yay! Looking forward to this!

  2. Anonymous says:

    SO dont see belle in these just emma in a yellow ball gown. she looks nothing like belle….belle is one not blonde 2 has light hazel eyes 2 oval fuller face and BIG almond eyes not small brown ones and much friendlier eyebrows emma watsons looks is great for models of this era small skinny serious straight features but as a disney princess just no…I guess belle will also have a british accent….????

  3. Vitaliy says:

    Самая потрясающая девушка, актриса, модель! И главное – необыкновенный человек… Все что она делает – феерично! С нетерпением жду каждый новый фильм с ее участием, для того что бы насладится одним лишь ее взглядом, улыбкой и бесконечной харизмой!!

    The most amazing woman, an actress, a model! And most importantly – an extraordinary man … All that it does – enchanting! I look forward to each new movie with her participation, for that would only enjoy one of her eyes, smile and endless charisma !!

  4. Aakriti says:


  5. Aakriti says:


  6. Simona says:

    She’s just amazing: Emma is the perfect Belle, both inside and out! I’m looking forward to see this movie!

  7. Britt says:

    Emma is perfect as Belle! She’s beautiful, pose and smart.

  8. Valerie says:

    I’m so looking forward to this movie! I can’t wait for it!

    Btw, I think it’s really cool that she distributed Mom&Me&Mom copies in the London and New York Underground! So generous!

  9. Iris says:

    OMG the trailer is finally here!!!

  10. limbakh says:

    I m very excited about Beauty and the Beast 2017-movie and can t wait it! Emma Watson is perfect choice for Belle