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About Ron and Hermione (2004): "Well, you know, Harry's the hero I suppose, but obviously not for Hermione."

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year everyone! We hope you had a great 2018 and wishing you an even better 2019. Got those New Year’s resolutions ready? Here is a calendar from Elena to help you plan your year.


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6 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Ashley says:

    Happy New Year Emma Watson I hope 2019 is the best and do well little women

  2. Anonymous says:

    glad hand new year!!
    I’m so happy,my pep is good now

  3. Anonymous says:

    everybody listen me,if you all string along,11january sake value of Emma watson
    gang up whole hog.oprine everyone…

  4. Ashley says:

    Happy New Year Emma Watson love you you are my favorite actress I hope you do great play Meg in Little women and I can wait to watch it

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Spasoje Kulasevic says:

    Hello, Emma.