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About not knowing what the movies look like before the premieres (2007): "People always expect me to know what the finished product will be like, but I don't have a clue because it is all shot out of sequence. Before I see every film my nerves are just terrible. I remember after the first ten minutes of the first film my dad turning to me and saying, "Emma darling, I really think you should breathe now."

People are not their art

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One Response to “People are not their art”

  1. Ana says:

    Hola emma soy Ana tengo 11 años y desde que tengo memoria e pasado toda mi vida admirando te y espero conocerte pronto no tengo nada que ofrecer no hago películas ni nada pero lo único que puedo ofrecerte es mi amistad y lealtad a ti espero conocerte ysi puedes mandar tu numero de cel te lo agradecería y no diré nada lo juro por mi vida