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About tabloids (2009):"I like having my privacy, but it's rather difficult at the moment. I never talk about my love life, and journalists grumble a lot about that. In a certain way, having people speculate is better. Nobody knows the truth, but they keep writing articles anyway: they have no credential. Audrey Hepburn always said: "I don't care what they write about me, as long as it's not true." Tabloids are ridiculous, and I tend to agree with her. But I can't really complain. Relatively speaking, I've been rather well-treated."

A Live Conversation with Emma on Gender Equality

Emma Watson announced via her facebook page that she will be conducting a live question and answer session on Gender Equality this Sunday, 8 March. See her message for an opportunity to be a member of the audience. For everyone else, the event will be live streamed on facebook.

I hope you’ll join me on Sunday 8th of March at 1PM NYC/5PM London-time for a conversation about He For She and Gender Equality, live on Facebook. If you’re in London and would like to be there in person, tell me how you are making a personal impact to advance gender equality. Please submit your story, here:, by 12PM London-time on Wednesday 4th of March and you could be selected to attend this special event as an audience member! Em x 

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22 Responses to “A Live Conversation with Emma on Gender Equality”

  1. Rohan Ahuja says:

    can we send questions?? if so where?? (mods pls respond to the email ive sent u thnx)

  2. sultaan says:

    i love herrrrrrrrrrrrrr smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. sultaan says:

    its my wish to see herrrrrrrrrrr in frontttttttttttttt

  4. sultaan says:

    i hopeeeeeee god give a chaneeeeeeeeeeeee to seeeee eema

  5. sultaan says:

    lovly and superrrrrrrrrrrrr hottttttttttttttttt and sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl is emma watson

  6. Sweet_Rose says:

    Awww, she’s funny, her voice’s so nice:) <3

  7. sultaan says:

    i loveee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  8. Sweet_Rose says:

    Btw, in the beginning, she looks a little drunk 😛 Or she was sleepy…anyway, so cute:)

  9. Phillip says:

    Hope to talk to her on the 8th through FB!!!

  10. cemal says:

    pretty and funny

  11. GL4DIATOR says:

    I think that (HeForShe) is an amazing project and Missis Watson is one very inteligent, brave, STRONG and also very beautiful person inside and out. I’m so proud of her! Best of luck with all your projects missis Watson and God bless you, your family and all your friends! #HeForShe #UNWOMEN –> #AllMyRESPECT & #Admiration

  12. GL4DIATOR says:

    ..and she is also one very tallented acress! (I just finished watching HP 7/part 1 & part 2) Good work Mister Radcliffe, Mister Grint, Missis Watson and others! Perfect movie even when I prefer sci-fi genre. #BeObjective 😉

  13. Ian says:

    Every day is International Women’s Day. 😀

  14. ALONSO says:


  15. GL4DIATOR says:

    Happy National Women’s Day Missis Watson and also Happy National Women’s Day to all women in the world.

  16. ALONSO says:


  17. Philip Blay says:

    Emma Watson, why are you hiding behind the expression “gender equality”? The HeForShe campaign is NOT about gender equality, it’s about protecting women and girls, and only them. As found on the web site, it is “committed to take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls”: it’s obvious that those women want to exclude violence and discrimination faced by men and boys, as if issues affecting men and boys shouldn’t be equally addressed. The feminist sexism of the HeForShe campaign creates two classes of citizens: those who are important enough to be protected (women and girls), and those who are left to themselves (men and boys), without explicit protection from organizations or governments. They are implicitly, or “de facto”, considering men and boys as second class citizens. How did we end up accepting such extreme sexism from these women? Aren’t there any women (or men) who also care about their sons, or the men of their lives (or men as a group)? This campaign shows again that societies (and especially some sexist, feminist-women) care less about men than women, and even more monstrous, that they care less about boys than girls.

    There can’t be a gender equality without having a movement that also include the liberation of men. How can we pretend seeking gender equality when we are not even able to say that sending men to wars or to a military service was, and still is, a sexism against MEN? Or if we hide that “child-soldiers” are in fact “boy-soldiers”, as if we were unable, as a society, to admit that this is a problem affecting almost exclusively boys (shame on us). When we listen to a feminist-women, we can see that she has no empathy toward men (she only speaks about women and girls), especially when they speak about the “African women”: we can see their total lack of solidarity toward the “African men” (…and boys!). These women should be ashamed of their misandry, and if they are not, ALL women should be ashamed that they pretend to speak in their name. Emma Watson should be ashamed of this accepted misandry which is building up in the society, because of campaigns like HeForShe. In the USA, Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of being one of the strongest advocate for this feminist sexism. Women must evolve too, they must learn that showing only solidarity and empathy toward their own gender IS a form of sexism from their part, and they should be ashamed of what these sexist, feminist women are doing on issues affecting men (they are preventing liberation of men). They must learn to show solidarity and empathy toward their “opposite gender” (like men do), at least as much as they are toward their own.

    Traditionally, men have the role of protecting “women and children”, and this constitute a sexism in itself (against men), because woman should also pay the price for “protecting the nation”, and they should not receive more protection (from men or societies) than men. What the HeForShe campaign is asking is to perpetuate this sexist expectation that some women have toward men: they want men (… and boys!) to protect “women and girls”. By the way, notice that we passed from the concept of protecting “women and children” to protecting “women and girls” (boys are of the wrong gender I suppose): do you consider this as “gender equality”, Emma Watson?

    We don’t live in a world where only women are oppressed, and where only men have privileges: women, societies, also have sexist expectations towards men, and women also have privileges (… one of them being the solidarity and empathy we show towards women and girls, but not towards men and boys, as demonstrated by this HeForShe campaign). A few decades ago, sexism and issues affecting women were not recognized, and we see the same phenomenon with the sexism and issues affecting men: we don’t recognize this particular sexism (we didn’t learn).

    Issues affecting men and boys must be equally addressed: men and sometimes boys are forced into “slavery” with military services or conscriptions (for example, we must force nations to stop this sexism and force mandatory military service or conscriptions for women too, if they are not ready to eliminate it). Men occupy dangerous jobs which leads to overrepresentation in job related deaths and health issues. In demonstrations, men are far more likely to be targeted for violence or killing, and they are more likely to be massacred in wars or genocides. A man’s life expectancy is shorter than a woman’s life expectancy, and we close our eyes on the sexism leading to this imbalance. Same thing with the education problems affecting boys (because of the incompatibility between education and the traditional role they are destined to), which is not addressed the same way they are addressed when discrimination is affecting girls.

    As we can see at the UN and other organizations sites, when they use the expression “women and children” (which exclude men), they are in fact promoting discrimination against men by only considering the mother-child link, to the expense of the father-child link (as if the mother-child link was more important): that’s pure sexism against men. And this, despite the fact that men is the gender which is discriminated against when it comes to child cares (considered not compatible with men’s traditional roles). The UN, instead of fighting against this woman’s privilege, is perpetuating it, and has the indecency to call this gender equality.

    We see this same sexist double standard in regards to genital mutilations (GM), which is treated differently depending on the gender of the victim. GM made on girls is considered a crime, while GM made on boys is not (and we invent all sorts of to excuse to justify this double standard, or sexism).

    This feminist sexism has created a new privileged group: women and girls, because the violence and discrimination affecting them are being addressed, while the violence and discrimination affecting men and boys are not being addressed. Men and women must fight against the sexism of this “HeForShe” campaign, because gender equality is not about caring only for women and girls, it is not about protecting women and girls only, it’s about fighting all kind of sexism, including the sexist expectations of societies (and women) toward men… and including this “neo” sexism introduced by the feminist ideology.

    I think we can only achieve gender equality by developing a new “anti-feminist” progressive movement, which would fight for both men’s and women’s rights: for a real gender equality. On the contrary, if we continue to only show solidarity toward women and girls (= feminist sexism), we will antagonize and polarize societies that we want to change, and movements fighting for human rights will continue to lose ground to more conservative values (because they are not fair, bring injustices and double standards affecting men and boys).

    • GL4DIATOR says:

      Absolutely disagree. First, she never hiding behind anything therefore it’s called = CAMPAIGN. The second thing is that you absolutely misunderstood what about is feminism. Look, I’m a man and I’m living in a pretty dangerous area, I saw thousand times how can men hurt children and women (cos we are stronger and we are here to protect them not to hurt them) and I couldn’t help them every time, but I’ve tried. Whenever it was possible. My father learned me that. Women needs this campaign and we, men too. I know you not gonna understand it, but if you grew up and lived in the same ,,beautiful place” as I, you would understand it better. That’s all I can tell you.

    • AK says:

      Dear Philip,

      No need to address to Ms Watson directly here. This is a fan website with no link to this amazing actress & human rights defender’s representatives.

      As you do not seem to be put off by research, your comment being full of references (shamelessly torn to serve your current views on the matter of equality & coupled with specific personal opinions on how the world, the UN, the feminist movement or cultural representations work), I suggest you make a bit of research on patriarchy.

      Honestly though, you would be surprised.