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About Lindsay Lohan (2007): "I used to love Lindsay when I was little - I thought she was so cool that I wanted to be her. I just think her approach to fame is different from mine and the publicity is part of that. But I don't think it's made her happy, which is sad, because once you've invited the press into your life you can't tell them to go away. So when I see their lives sprawled across the papers, I do think, 'Oh God, you poor thing.' I can imagine the pressure and stress of that every single day."

Happy Birthday Emma

Happy Birthday Emma from your fans at

Emma on Feminism

Emma on Fear

People are not their art

Emma on Gender Issues

Emma on Aging

A Birthday Countdown

March Calendar

Our March calendar by Elena.


February Calendar

Our February calendar by Elena.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022!




Our January calendar by Elena.