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About how people react to her fame (2007):"I've had people be funny with me, but never seriously nasty. More like people not knowing how to act around me and it coming off in an unfriendly way. But I don't tend to confront people, I just hope the longer they're around me, the more they see how much I'm like everyone else, and the awkward feeling will go."

Archive for the ‘Harry Potter Series’ Category

Early HP behind the scenes

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

We have several behind the scenes photos from Emma’s double in the early days of Harry Potter filming. Felicia “Flick” Miles was Emma’s film double on the first 3 Harry Potter movies and she shared with us some of her photos with Emma from her time on set. Also seen are Dan and Rupert’s doubles, Tolga and Rickie.

You can hear about her experiences on the films in her podcast Behind The Wand: Stories From The Harry Potter Films, at