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About changing (2004): "We all changed so much since the beginning. I've got some pictures of me when I first got the role, of all three of us. And we're just so different now, it's amazing."

Calendar Vote and Anniversary

Today is our 5 year anniversary. It’s been 5 years since the site reopened on May 29, 2006. A lot has changed over those years. Emma has changed. It used to be there was not much news about Emma except for Harry Potter news. Often there would be weeks go by with nothing new to post. Now Emma is busy in so many things. New movies, clothing lines, modeling, etc. There is so much interesting news it’s hard to keep up. Not all change is good though. The media now reprint any nonsense rumour that comes along. Paparazzi ambush her everywhere. And sadly, I think many ‘fans’ have lost the idea of what it means to be a fan. Sometimes I feel the days when news was slow were the best. People would actually talk about the latest news item. I remember great discussions. Now it seems more people are just waiting for the latest gossip or next set of paparazzi pics to come out.

I want to thank our staff, past and present, for all the work they have done for the site. I want to thank Jo and the people she worked with on the previous site for creating such a solid foundation to build on. Mostly though I want to thank all our loyal fans. Thank you for being part of the site by sending in news tips and graphics. Thank you for participating in projects and calendar contests and comments. And thank you to those who don’t say much but keep coming back. Thank you all. You are the reason the site is still here and with your support I hope it will be here for another 5 years. – dook


Update: As some people have pointed out in the comments, has been here for over 7 years, not just 5. When we reopened the site 5 years ago, we kept the same philosophy, but it was mostly a new group of people and site, so I think of it as our anniversary. I also don’t know exactly when first opened, only that it was in early March 2004.


And now, time to choose our calendar for June.

Remember, you only get to vote one time. Do not vote multiple times from different emails, and do not ask your friends to come and vote on your calendar. Let’s keep the competition fair.

Please make sure you write your choices in the order you like them. Your favorite should be first, then next favorite, etc.

  1. View the calendars here. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger preview image. Take your time, make sure you scroll all the way to the end and check out all the calendars.
  2. Choose your favorite 5 calendars, and write down their numbers in order, from best to 5th place. You don’t have to choose 5, you can vote for just one if you like, but you can vote for 5.
  3. Send your vote in an email to or in a PM to me on the forums to dookdookdook.

Voting is open through June 1, 00:00 GMT.

Good luck everyone!

Comments closed for this item.

45 Responses to “Calendar Vote and Anniversary”

  1. Luis says:

    Congratulations to the site! πŸ˜€
    5 years? My God, time goes so fast.
    I’m proud to say I’ve been here since then -even before I guess.
    I’d like Jo post here again, one day, that would be great πŸ™‚
    Thank you dook for always being here.
    You really deserve a full recognition given by Emma herself for all those years of plenty dedication without waiting for anything in return, and always fighting for telling us the truth. In “silence”, you’re a truly fan and I know she knows πŸ˜‰
    Let’s always support Emma and go for another 5 years, maybe more!!

  2. Devin says:

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to say that you guys have done an amazing job not only maintaining the site, but demonstrating what a fan-site should be. The prime example of this is the “Respect” button you guys have at the top of the page. I think that’s absolutely brilliant because that’s what it all about.

    Anyway, keep up the great work!

  3. tree says:

    I remember when Jaclyn and 130671 were still here! πŸ˜€ Those were great times. πŸ™‚ The way dook and the other staff members have maintained this website is absolutely amazing, and I hope this website flourishes for many years to come! Like Devin said, there is something at the top of the page which directs you to a page with “Respect.” That is what a real fan-site should be all about! πŸ˜€ But good luck to all the calendars, and thank you dook, and the staff, for having such a great site I can count on.

  4. Joyce says:

    I visit this website everyday, even more often than Emmas official site. It’s my main source for everything that I need to know whats going on with Emma. You are respectful of her privacy and loyal fans πŸ™‚ Congratulations. May your site prosper β™₯

  5. Window says:

    Well Thank you so much, I strongly believe that here is the most best fan site of Emma, Kind people, and hardworking staff,We are all like a family and we are all promised to stay beside Emma forever whether in silent days of no news or those busy days πŸ™‚ Dook! we specially thank you for your kind connection to the fans and lovers, without your efforts we would be in a dark area of gossips, you know after her officials we just trust you because you respect Emma and she also respects here πŸ™‚ Not only another 5 years, as I said we stay beside her and her best fan site forever πŸ™‚ …

    @tree 130671 is active in forums most of the time πŸ˜‰

  6. Alin says:

    Thank you Dook. Thanks for everything!

    I always keep on coming back for more! I love the site. It’s the best out there after Emma’s official site.

    Thank you for everything and keep on doing what you do best. And thanks staff and everyone. You’re all amazing.

  7. Victoria says:

    Love your site! You are doing an amazing job and it’s a real pleasure to be able to follow all the different things Emma Watson is now doing. Cheers!

  8. tree says:

    @Window, is that so? I don’t visit the forums much, but it would be nice to keep in touch with 130671! πŸ˜€

  9. Jia says:

    WOW..!! Congratulations to my most favorite fansite ever.. all the credit goes to the fantastic team behind the site.. hats off to the whole team.. you are a fun part of my life now.. thankyou all- specially Dook- well done..! πŸ™‚
    I really wish the site goes on for not only next five year but FOREVER..!! best of luck.. <3

  10. emily96 says:

    Wow! I remember that day 5 years ago! I remember when the site was down and when it opened back up! Thats crazy that it has been 5 years!! How many years did Jo run it?

    • dook says:

      Jo opened the site in March 2004 and ran it until February 2006, with a few months hiatus in the middle. So, not quite 2 years. That people still fondly remember her and the site when she ran it shows what a great job she did.

      • Luis says:

        So the site is more than 7 years old actually! πŸ™‚
        Is Jo now working on EWO (Great Fridays)?

        • emily96 says:

          Either way 5 years with Dook & 2 years with Jo! Amazing! Keep up the great work! I love this site & I have been going to this site daily for years.

  11. Thessalie says:

    Yeah 5 years now, that’s amazing !

    I’m just wondering, about the calendars, which photo is it on numer 6 ?

  12. Cathe says:


    First of all. Congratulations! Time seems to fly. Really amazing job people, all these years. Without you and EWO we would be blind. We’d probably believe everything we read.

    You are right Dook a lot of things have changed. I still visit you here. Not every day. The older we get the busier we become. But I do come, from time to time, to see what’s new. Caught up with novelties. This is a decent site. I know I can trust you guys.

    Anyway, I wish you all best. I hope this place continues to exist and support lovely Emma and her work. And I hope you’ll be with us Dook (for many, many years) because without you this little world wouldn’t be the same place.

    All best.

  13. KB says:

    I love this site, and I like Emma having a private life, meaning – I at least try to not be interested.
    I love the calendar contests on this! Very interactive, and I love seeing all the graphics. It’s what got me interested in my career path – graphic design!

  14. cristy holt says:


    If Jo did not make

    1. Emma would have not gotten the iPod and the other stuff from the fans.

    2.Jo would probable never really get the chance to sit down with Emma at talk about what she did.

    3. and also Emma i don’t think would with out and jo, she would not have the website she has today.

    so thank you to jo and dook and the team without you. Emma might have not fully understand the extent of her fans. you guys at have truly achieved what a fan site really stands for.

    millions of fans have you guys at to thank for what we do and how we are now. Because of you i run

    Thank you for you dedication and standing by use fans these last 5-7+ years.

  15. Alyssa says:

    Wow 5 years! Congrats, thanks so much for always updating the site! πŸ™‚

  16. Ralitsa says:

    Oh, happy 5th birthday!! This is my favourite website besides youtube. Ive been checking it almost every day for the past few years. Keep the good work up!

  17. Oriana says:

    Wow! 5 years now! Time goes flying!
    I just want to say a quick ‘thank you’ for these amazing years. I remember like it was yesterday when i first entered the site, and i’ve been doing it for 5 years now.
    Yes, i’ve been in other sites briefly, but none of them it’s as amazing as this. I just keep coming because i like it and it’s tradition.
    I remember so well when you made that project about an iPod for Emma, that was awesome, and then she got it and listened to all those songs.
    So, this is great, and i congratulate you guys for keeping up whit this, and most important, for not giving up to the paparazzis pics, or pics that could attempt to Emma’s privacy. Remember when all those Headington pics came out when Emma was in her last year of school? And not just Headington, Oxford parties and just hanging with friends. That was just so disrespectful, and you guys never posted one single pic.
    Keep the good and amazing job you do!
    Greetings from Venezuela!
    PS: It just came to my mind when Jo was the host of the site and she began every post with a “Greetings!” haha so random but yeah, i remember that.

  18. Oriana says:

    Just another thing.
    Nos reading the comments i remember that the site went down for a while. Get me out of this because i’m barely remembering, but in that time when we entered the site was not a pic of Chamber of Secrets in purple there that said HIATUS?
    Maybe i’m a little confused.
    Anyway, congrats again πŸ™‚

    • dook says:

      The site was on Hiatus a couple times when Jo ran it. Maybe you are remembering that. With the new site though, there has been no hiatus. There were a few times the site was down for some days because of server problems.

  19. berlin says:

    Thank you dook!
    I enjoy reading news about Emmas unique life. SheΒ΄s giving us so much πŸ™‚

  20. KS987 says:

    I can’t believe how much time has passed. Congratulations to This is, and always has been, the best Emma fansite, not only because it’s the most credible, but it’s also the most respectful. You guys have done an amazing job and I thank you for giving us the most credible Emma news and the chance to participate in projects to give something back to Emma. I would like to that Jo for creating the site and the rest of the staff, past and present, for keeping it going and for all their hard work and dedication, and I hope this website lasts forever.

    It’s crazy that it feels like only yesterday that Emma was only in the Harry Potter films(which at one point we were wondering if she would continue playing Hermione Granger) and we were not sure if she would continue her acting career. Hell back then the only way fans could communicate with Emma was via fanmail as she didn’t have any sites. Then 2007 came with her officially signing on for the rest of the Harry Potter series, her landing two new roles in Ballet Shoes and The Tale of Desperaux, and her opening her official site with Jo as the webmistreass. Ever since then her career has been growing and now we have more than one way to send messages to her. She’s had a huge career in fashion and we have My Week With Marilyn and Perks of Being a Wallflower to look forward to in the near future.

  21. Jle says:

    Congratulations and happy birthday !

  22. Valentina says:

    Wow 5 years, that’s a lot! Great job guys, I never had any complains! πŸ˜€

  23. Emma says:

    Congrats! Love u guys! KEEP UP THE HARD WORK!

  24. Jen Gambale says:

    Happy Anniversary, guys! You always have been and probably always will be my favorite Emma Watson fansite! β™₯

  25. Dr.Pepper says:

    I just wanted to wish you congratulations on your anniversary and I wanted to thank all the staff members for their hard that they did on this website. I also wanted to thank the webmaster for all his hard work on posting the news and the calendar competition vote every month.

    PS: I took a quick look at the calendars and I saw that they were all beautiful. It is hard to choose which one will be number one. I cannot wait to see the results and the honorable mentions.

    I will continue to be a fan of this site for as long as it is open and a fan on the forums as well.

    Hope all goes well with everybody. And one final thing. I hope that there will be more news of Emma Watson in the future and more videos to watch as well.

    Have a nice day everyone. πŸ˜€

  26. Charles says:

    I first started coming here in 2008, and haven’t looked back. Credit to dook, and anyone else who helps out, as you put in so much work without really getting anything in return. It’s definitely appreciated!

    On another note, can someone tell me where I can learn more about the iPod gift you got Emma? I am aware of it, I think I saw a video of her a while back at a premiere where she discusses it. Would love to know the whole story.

  27. Sabrina says:

    I remember Jo as well, and how the forums were back in 2006. I agree, I think the discussions were great. There was a small, but nice fan base. I took a hiatus from this site as well, but now I am back. I reallt love this site, and have grown to admire Emma more as a person, not just as the pretty, exciting face from my favourite fandom that I mostly saw her as when I was around 15 years old. Thanks for still being up and running!

  28. Krt2n says:

    I just wanna say that I love the 29, it’s awesome, really really great work!!!!!

  29. Blessi says:

    That’s so sweet, I do love that Dook :”). Happy Anniversay EW net. We love you

  30. Jo says:

    Well it’s thanks to your hard work dook that the website continues to be amazing and a site that Emma genuinely likes and visits every so often.
    I thought I had opened the site in 2003, but perhaps not..i had a site before this one, so maybe i’m thinking of that πŸ˜‰

    I still visit here every day, because it’s so brilliantly put together and didn’t ever go down the “gossip” route…which is why it has remained on top.

    Thanks for the awesome site Dook πŸ™‚

    • dook says:

      Hi Jo. I think you are remembering your Emma and Rupert site. I’ve tried to reconstruct the history of and the domain was registered in early March 2004 ( I am amazed that someone else hadn’t snapped it up already ) and first appears in internet archives about the middle of the month.

      Thank you for your comments. It means a lot. πŸ™‚

  31. lona says:


  32. Juzzy says:

    Congrats on a great website, been coming here years but think I only posted a reply here less than two years ago for the first time. It’s a great site, very respectful towards Emma and up to date for us fans. Well done! πŸ™‚

  33. Sami says:

    This is probably my favorite site, of all time. Emma has always been my inspiration, and even today, she continues to inspire me. She’s an amazing young woman, and she deserves nothing but the best, including the love and support from her fans. I truly believe that she still has fans, however they may be few and far between, we still love her, and support her. You are right, though, I’ve had people point out different websites that had some not so nice articles about Emma, but I just ignored it. It makes me angry to know that she can’t ever truly be normal. She can’t even sit outside a coffee shop, or get out of her car at the gym without being criticized. Thank you soo much, all of you at E

  34. Aislin says:

    Thanks so much for all your work guys… you’re amazing! And… well wow! I can’t believe it’s already 5 years I check this site daily… it seems like yesterday when the site was reopened in 2006! Time flies, just like magic! Keep up the good work πŸ™‚

  35. spencer says:

    Emma is greatness beyond definition and this site is Fan-frikin-tastic! hope it’s up for a long time.

    Thank You

  36. Arthur says:

    Thanks Dook for your hard work and dedication to this site. I wish you had a Bio so I can know your background, I think it’d be an interesting read πŸ™‚

  37. Britney says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary!!!!! This is a great site for Emma fans!!!!!