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About what she spends her money on (2009):"My brother would love it if I got a Lamborghini, but I won't and he's sad about it. I don't feel like investing right now. I just want to do what my friends do and a lot of people who I know don't have that amount of money to spend. I want to do what they do. Go to the movies, eat some place. I live a very normal life. I just got a laptop and it's the most expensive thing I ever bought. Oh, and I got a car, a Toyota Prius."

January 2014 Calendar


Congratulations to AnnCharlie, our winner for the January Calendar Competition!



Honorable mentions to Jia, Elena and Salman. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to those who voted. All the competition entries can be viewed here.


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15 Responses to “January 2014 Calendar”

  1. Elena says:

    WOOO, I love the winner’s calendar, I liked it! Congrats!

  2. D-one says:

    Congrats AnnCharlie! 🙂
    Your calendar was my fav from the beginning 😉
    Good work!

  3. Thessalie says:

    Jia, I gotta tell you once again you were my number 1 choice !! Ann Charlie was my second, congrats to everyone !!!

  4. Henny says:

    Congrats AnnCharlie! Your calender is sophisticated yet elegant. I love it!! I also love Elena’s.:)

  5. AnnCharlie says:

    Wow, this is so excitiing! Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and those who voted! Congratulations to Jia, Elena and Salman too!, you all did an amazing job!

  6. Amir Brock says:

    Admin.I like your Facebook. What happened again 🙁 ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Possibly a copyright issue since they post a lot of Emma’s photos on it 🙁

      • dook says:

        @Amir we don’t know what happened to it. Again. This is the second time it’s been removed. The last time they finally apologized for removing it and restored it. We haven’t heard anything from them yet about this time. If it doesn’t come back we will probably start over.

        @Anon don’t think it was a copyright issue. We don’t post anything that isn’t posted all over facebook, tumblr, etc. And there was no notice from FB which they are supposed to do.