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Twelve Month Calendar


To help you remember those important dates this year, we have a twelve month calendar made by Judy for Click on the cover at the left for a PDF download.

Our monthly calendar contest will continue. This is not a replacement, just something extra.

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17 Responses to “Twelve Month Calendar”

  1. Hilma says:

    I would love to use this as my calendar this year! Is there some way one can print it to put up on the wall? I would like to print it on these glossy papers calendars usually are made of, not just regular paper from my printer…

  2. Sweet_Rose says:

    Very nice thing. 🙂

  3. Thessalie says:

    Wow amazing !!! Great work, great pictures, grat idea… Thank you so much ! 🙂

  4. Harald the Sage says:

    Very nice choice of fotos…but I do remember that the date numbers have names to them; like Monday,Wednesday etc. That would have been better

  5. Hermione1 says:

    Hey! Nice calendar, i really love it! But there’s one thing wrong, December has got 30 days on the calendar but December has got 31 days. But don’t mind like it!

  6. Hermione1 says:

    Hey, when will the contest of the february begin?

    • dook says:

      I announce the contest in the middle of the month but you can always start early. The rules don’t change.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Приятный для глаз.

  8. Anonymous says:

    tell, it is the official site?

    • dook says:

      No, this is not an official site. Emma’s official sites are linked in the sidebar under “Emma Watson Official”.

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. fernando says:

    cool,grat work people.! love’Em all.!:)