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About being the new face of Burberry (2009):"It's just amazing. The person who was most excited that I was asked to do the Burberry campaign was my grandma. She's been wearing Burberry since. since forever. It's one of the first things she bought for herself when my grandpa and she got married."

Twelve Month Calendar


To help you remember those important dates this year, we have a twelve month calendar made by Judy for Click on the cover at the left for a PDF download.

Our monthly calendar contest will continue. This is not a replacement, just something extra.

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17 Responses to “Twelve Month Calendar”

  1. Hilma says:

    I would love to use this as my calendar this year! Is there some way one can print it to put up on the wall? I would like to print it on these glossy papers calendars usually are made of, not just regular paper from my printer…

  2. Sweet_Rose says:

    Very nice thing. 🙂

  3. Thessalie says:

    Wow amazing !!! Great work, great pictures, grat idea… Thank you so much ! 🙂

  4. Harald the Sage says:

    Very nice choice of fotos…but I do remember that the date numbers have names to them; like Monday,Wednesday etc. That would have been better

  5. Hermione1 says:

    Hey! Nice calendar, i really love it! But there’s one thing wrong, December has got 30 days on the calendar but December has got 31 days. But don’t mind like it!

  6. Hermione1 says:

    Hey, when will the contest of the february begin?

    • dook says:

      I announce the contest in the middle of the month but you can always start early. The rules don’t change.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Приятный для глаз.

  8. Anonymous says:

    tell, it is the official site?

    • dook says:

      No, this is not an official site. Emma’s official sites are linked in the sidebar under “Emma Watson Official”.

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. fernando says:

    cool,grat work people.! love’Em all.!:)