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About meeting Brad Pitt (2004): "I was told originally that I was going over to Shepperton to do some sound recording. Then Emily, who is my chaperone, said, 'Emma, we are not going to the sound studio at all, we are going to meet Brad Pitt'. I went mental, I was so excited. He is so nice."

New Clip from Regression

A new clip from Regression has been released. *SPOILERS*


In this scene, Emma Watson tells Ethan Hawke that she believes she is being followed. Pretty creepy.

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3 Responses to “New Clip from Regression”

  1. Adam says:

    There’s a poster of Behemoth – Polish black metal band

  2. sparkvark111 says:

    Yes, new one. 😀

  3. Norman says:

    This woman is phenomenal in everything she does!