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About what Perks meant to her (2011): "I just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was just the most incredible experience. I had the best six weeks. I'm very excited about that movie. Having an experience like that outside of Harry Potter is what really convinced me that acting really is what I should be doing. I'm excited about the idea of being an actress now in a way that I wasn't so sure of before."

Emma on Good Morning America

Emma Watson appeared on Good Morning America on Friday morning to promote Beauty and the Beast.

One week to go!

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4 Responses to “Emma on Good Morning America”

  1. Jerry says:

    Wow, this’s so cool, magnificent! 😀
    How many interviews Emma has done these days?! To your health Emma. Don’t get cold, OK!! 😀

  2. Ross Taggart says:

    Loved the energy here.

  3. Fernando says:

    Nice,with a voice like that-I could listen to her for a long time,thank you Dook!

  4. Jonathan Green says
    October 1 2017 at 9;08
    I don’t like you but i love Gaston and Lefou is better
    then You bitch you are spring chicken to stand up to me
    you are not my tape and you are not talent I m Talent then you