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About being the eldest of seven children (2007): "There is Alex and then my mother's partner has two sons younger than me who regularly stay with us, and my father and his new wife have two-year-old identical twin girls and a three-year-old son. We all get on really well. My family has exploded in the last two to three years so it's nice - by contrast - to be the baby when I am working. I am the youngest and I am a girl, so Dan and Rupert are really protective of me, they are like my brothers. Although they do tease me a lot."

Emma on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Emma Watson was on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show promoting Beauty and the Beast. She talks about filming the snowball scene, meeting Celine Dion at the premiere, and Disneyland in Shanghai. She also discusses her “book ninja” activities where she leaves books in public places for people to find and read.

Beauty and the Beast is coming soon!

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3 Responses to “Emma on Jimmy Kimmel Live”

  1. susang bhatt says:

    nice outfit as always she looks very beautiful in black dress.

  2. Jerry says:

    Lovely, so much fun
    Emma is so graceful and elegant here, looks so amazing, gosh it’s incredible, love her. ❤❤❤

  3. Ross Taggart says:

    She is so good, professional and entertaining could watch her in chat show circuit forever -not that she would want that