A few more interviews with Emma Watson during The Perks of Being a Wallflower premiere and junket
This first one is quite good. Well, the lighting is terrible, but Emma was quite talkative and some of the questions were interesting. She starts out talking about her first acting experience before Harry Potter, and it’s pretty good all the way through. Update: Added a transcript for the THR interview, see the end of this post.
Another interview from the LA red carpet
We’ve seen some segments of this before, but there’s a new bit where Emma talks about Kristen Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence.
Transcript of interview by Scott Feinberg, The Hollywood Reporter, best that I could do. Excuse any spelling errors.
SF: Well, first of all thank you again, I really appreciate it.
EW: Thank you.
SF: I wanted to see just to begin with if you recall you acted even just for fun, what that might have involved, and then also, as part 2, what led to that first opportunity to do it professionally which I assume was for Harry Potter, how did that come about even?
EW: I’m like trying to think back the earliest time I started[?] performing, I think I did a play called “The Prince and the Swallow”. It was a school play and I got to wear this little red bandanna necktie and I had these like dark eyes as the swallow, and I got to sing, and I had to move around the stage like a bird, and like, I don’t even know[?]. But yeah, that was my first, and then when I was at the same school that did that performance, when the Harry Potter auditioners came and said “Do you have any kids between the age of 9 and 12, 13 that you want to put forward to audition Harry Potter, and my drama teacher put a group of 12 or 13 of us forward, and just in our school gym, we just kind of, we did some drama excercises I guess, and they took my photograph, and they asked… I got a phone call asking me to come to London three weeks later. And I just went on this rollercoaster, I ended up doing… they said they knew they wanted me after 2 or 3 auditions, and I did 9, because they needed to find… it wasn’t just about finding the right person for each character, it was about making sure that the three of us looked right together, and we had the right chemistry, and whatever else. It was a real journey, and when they actually told me I had the part, I couldn’t really, I couldn’t really process it. I couldn’t really believe it because it had been such a long [?], it was such a long time coming, I was just like almost numb. I kind of like numbed myself out to the whole thing. So, yeah that’s crazy.