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About meeting Brad Pitt (2004): "I was told originally that I was going over to Shepperton to do some sound recording. Then Emily, who is my chaperone, said, 'Emma, we are not going to the sound studio at all, we are going to meet Brad Pitt'. I went mental, I was so excited. He is so nice."

Archive for the ‘Watson Weekly’ Category

Watson Weekly Issue 011 // 9 March 2007

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Here’s the latest Watson Weekly, hot off the presses! In this issue, Neve tells us about her trip to London to see Dan Radcliffe in Equus, Amy has a special section about the Oscars, and Milada has her debut Funky Fashion. There are also movie reviews, a new music video, fun and more. 😆

Have a wonderful day!
[ dook ]

Watson Weekly Issue 010 // 06 February 2007

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Hey everyone  🙂

Today we have a new Watson Weekly for you. It has fun and fashion and random things. A new webmiss interview, a new fan spotlight feature. And what many have been waiting for: the winners of the Hermione Music Video Contest. Enjoy! 😆

Reminders: Keep sending in your pictures and poems for the birthday project. And vote Emma at CBBC

Update: There’s a new rumor about Emma starring in a new St. Trinians movie as a rebellious ringleader at a British boarding school. The original St Trinians movies about delinquent schoolgirls and their escapades came out in the 50s and 60s, and are now being revived with more timely storylines. There is more information about the new movies here. Remember, it’s just a rumor, don’t believe anything yet until Emma or a representative confirms it.

[ dook ]

Watson Weekly Christmas Issue // 19 December 2006

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

Hello Emma fans 😆

Well here it is, what you’ve all been waiting for. The Watson Weekly Christmas Issue. In this edition we have articles about the site and staff, tips for holiday spirit, Funky Fashion and Random Talk, a new webmaster interview, and another encounter with Emma. And of course, your questions, what we love about her, and your Christmas Messages to Emma.

The issue is different this time. It’s 64 pages long so instead of downloading individual pages, you can download the entire issue as a PDF file to view in Acrobat. The file is 8.8MB so it might take a litte while to download.

To download the issue, please right click and save the file to your computer using the link below.

[ Watson Weekly Christmas Issue ]

Have a great day! 😆

[ dook and all the staff at ]

Watson Weekly Issue 008 // 23 November 2006

Friday, November 24th, 2006

Hi Emma fans! 🙂

Well, it’s finally here, the 8th issue of Watson Weekly! 😆  Enjoy!

Also, a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it. 😉

Good day, everyone!

[ dook ]

Watson Weekly Issue 07 // 23 October 2006

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you know that the 7th issue of Watson Weekly is out! This is one is a bit old-style. It has a lot of torn up edges that helps bring out the newspaper theme.

If you run in into any problems, please leave a comment here and I will sort it out!

And don’t forget to send us your vidoes, portraits, ideas, etc… for the next issue! Email them to! Thank you!

Click on the Thumbnail below to view the new issue! 🙂

[Edit] Thanks to Monique for telling about the Random Talk page. I fixed it so you can read it now! Thanks a lot for letting me know 😉

[ Jasmine ]

Watson Weekly Issue #06 // 04 September 2006

Monday, September 4th, 2006

Hi guys! I’m happy to say that the sixth issue of Watson Weekly is up on the web! This issue is a lot different from the previous ones! Don’t worry, all of your favorite sections are still intact. Since I compiled it and designed most of the pages I thought it would be a fun thing to add a theme to it so you guys can enjoy it!

It took me at least 8 hours to put together and design everything so I hope you guys like it! This issue is designed for you to view in a “gallery” sort of look. The design of this issue is just something I decided to put together so future issues might look like the previous ones, depending on wether or not the staff wants to keep it this way or not.

I would also like to thank everyone who sent us materials for WW! I had a great time browsing through all the submitions, especially the portraits. So please don’t be discouraged if your portrait or music video wasn’t put in this issue, it will be in our future issues.

If you would like to send us any fan videos, portraits, etc… please send them to!

Without further ado I give you issue #6!

Also, thanks to Neve, we’ve added a bunch of new quotes to our collection. You can view a random quote by looking at the side bar, under the affiliates.

Speaking of affiliates, we have a new affiliate that’s close to the staff of the site. Check out our new affiliate,

Finally, we must give a big thanks to, Jasmine for completely doing this week’s Watson Weekly. She spent a lot of time on it and did an amazing job!

[Edit] Thanks for informing us regarding the broken link. The Fan Music Video of the Week is now working properly, head on over to WW and download it if you didn’t earlier. 🙂

[ Jasmine & Shannon ]

Watson Weekly Magazine Issue 005 // 26 July 2006

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

Hello everyone!!

Here is finally the fifth issue of the Watson Weekly Magazine! It features some new stuff and sections so take a look inside!

If you read inside, you now know there’s a new section called the "Music Video of the week" that will be run by the new staff member Neve! It’s a try and we’ll see how it goes. To download the music video of this week (made by Neve), use any of the following mirrors :

Mirror 1
Mirror 2

Finally, I would like to congrats Roni, her banner won for this week! Great Job!

Thank you for your patience and I once again apologize for the long time.

[ Fred ]

Watson Weekly Magazine Issue #004, finally! // 4 July 2006

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006

Hey everyone!

I know you have all been waiting for it, so here it is! But first, I would like to tell that it’s all my fault if it took so long time. Don’t blame the others, I’m the only responsable.

Anyways, better later than never :

This week video is : Nickelodeon’s U Pick Live on 3 June 2004. You can download it HERE.

Unfortunately, we had some problems and there’s no Events article this week. Hopefully we will be able to get one for the next week :).

Finally, I would like to congrats Maud for winning the banner’s competition! Good Job!

(I added the banner’s competition rules in the magazine so everyone can read them again 😉 )

[ Fred ]

Watson Weekly Magazine, issue #003 // 12 June 2006

Monday, June 12th, 2006

Hello everyone!

Here is the third issue of the Watson Weekly Magazine! This issue has a fresh new look and a lot of interesting informations! Click on the thumbnails below to view the pages!

You can download the video of this week (GOF World Premiere) HERE.

Now, I would like to congrat Anna for her beautiful banner of Emma at Scooby-Doo 2 Premiere! She won this week banner’s competition.

Finally, I would like to tell everyone that I’m starting my final exams session. I will be very very quiet for the next two weeks. Though I will still make the Watson Weekly Magazines!

[ Fred ]

Watson Weekly Magazine, issue #002 // 05 June 2006

Monday, June 5th, 2006

Hello everyone!

Here it is finally! The second issue of Watson Weekly Magazine! This issue is bigger than the first one and all the staff members have worked hard on it! Any comments/suggestions can be sent to

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge

You can download this week video HERE (Right Click + Save target as).. The format is Real Media Player!

For those who missed the first issue, you can see it HERE

Also, I would like to congratulate the winner of this week for the Banner’s competition : Alexandra! Congratulations!

[ Fred ]